Chapter One

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Author's Note: Before I start, I just want to make it known that I do not condone what Kai's parents have done, nor do I condone his actions. Ignoring of a child is common and should not be ignored by others. If, for any of the readers, you have reached a point like Kai does, please do not follow in his actions but rather seek assistance by those willing to listen. And believe me there are people who are willing to listen to your issues/problems/concerns, even if they are not close to you. Even when there seems to be no hope, there are those who are willing to help.


I have always wondered if any one in the world ever woke up in the morning knowing something terrible would happen to them. I don't mean self inflicted or knowing before hand of a traumatic event. I am referring to a completely unexpected turn of events that throws your life from one end into the sewers and sometimes beyond.

That didn't happen to me. I awoke that early morning of the 10th of May with the same hateful look at the new day as the previous ones. I knew that no matter what I did, it would never be enough. Even getting straight A's in school meant nothing to my parents. ninety percent of the times they were sure that I was cheating and I even got grounded a few times because of it.

My brother on the other hand, couldn't be more perfect in their eyes. Being the star of the basketball team and the MVP of the football team would do that. But my parents take it to far.

I am constantly being compared to him in everything other than academics. For some reason unbeknownst to me, they leave out that small detail. I constantly hear the most nerve wrecking and my most hated phrase, 'Why can't you be more like your brother?'

The funny thing was, they forgot my birthday four days ago and still have not said anything about it. The part that I hated most was the fact that we were fraternal twins. They have yet to say anything to me about that matter.

I have basically given up on my family and am currently waiting for graduation so I can leave and never look back. Unfortunately, being sixteen years of age, that dream is still two and a half years away.

My only ray of light is a childhood friend of both my brother and mine, Amy Halland. I still don't understand why but she doesn't treat me the same way as the rest. She actually cares about me and what I do. Even my weird little habits, like watching anime and playing computer games. Of course she judges me a little, yet she never comments about it.

I went downstairs, already dressed for school, in my usual dark clothes. Black jeans, a black long sleeve shirt and black hooded jersey that fit me perfectly. My shoulder length black hair was combed enough to keep it from tangling and my bright green eyes still had a dull gleam to them. I wonder if they will ever shine as once did when I still had the naivety of a small child.

I wasn't surprised to find that my brother had just left for school and that my mother was already doing the dishes for breakfast. Once more they totally ignored the fact that I wasn't even present for breakfast or the fact that maybe I would like some. So once again I had to make some bland bran flakes for breakfast. What a start to a day, but then again I am used to it.

School wasn't much different as the teachers too thought I was cheater yet they could never prove it. Why is it that I am hated at school as much as I am ignored at home? The students, or the entire student body as it should be known bullies me. Even the nerds that get bullied by the jocks bully me. I figure it's because I have lost the will to even try to fight back.

I was eating lunch in my usual spot on the roof of the school building where no one goes. It is my own little slice of peace. Where some may feel lonely eating there, I relish in the fact that it is lonely. It is the only part of my day I actually enjoy.

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