Chapter Twenty Two

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I stared at Amy as she laughed maniacally. Her eyes turned towards me as she dropped the body in her hands. The laughter never ceasing. Her graduation gown now stained with blood. But what scared me the most was her eyes. Void of any colour whatsoever. It was just two empty white spheres that seemed to be looking at me.

"Amy?" I asked a little hesitant. How could someone I had known for most of my life do something this horrid? I know we had our differences the past couple of years, but nothing that could warrant this.

"Is that this bodies name?" Came a deep growling voice from within Amy. It seems that she is no longer within control of herself. Maybe something took over? "Is was beginning to wonder. She refused to tell me anything in regards to who she was or how she knew you."

"Who are you?" I asked as my vision almost instantly switched between the bloody gore before me, the dungeon where I killed the dragon, and then back to the schools gym. A slight headache rose within my head as a slight confused expression took hold on my face.

"It seems it has already started. Fascinating." Amy's body said with a cheerful tone. It seemed that whoever had control of her was having a fun time. "Oh, and I will not tell you who I am as there wouldn't be any fun in that. Just know we will meet in the future and we will fight."

I fell to my right knee as the switching between the world's grew far more intense. It was beginning to pain at this point. But I could not give in and let whoever it was controlling Amy have its way. I need to ensure that everyone including her is safe.

I felt hands land on my back and instantly I felt refreshed. Yet it was not enough to stop the transition. My eyes widened when the gore before me suddenly disappeared.

There was no blood. No dismembered parts. Just the rest of the school with the students parents sitting in their chairs fast asleep.

Amy let out a loud laugh as we noticed that what we saw earlier was not the truth. Her laugh was filled with evil intent as she almost doubled over.

"This is just to show you how far out of your league you are. If you still want to fight me, then bring everything you have, because," a hand suddenly appeared around my throat as it squeezed down. Amy had moved far faster than anything I had seen before. A pressure pushing both me and Bailey down, holding us still. "You cannot beat me. I am the power both there and here. And I will reign supreme."

With that, Amy seemed to have dissolved into a pure black mist that then dissipated into the air.

I, still on my knees, breathed deeply at the pain of my transfer between the worlds. The only thing keeping me on earth was Baileys hand on my back slowly stroking small circles as if to calm me. It worked.

Suddenly my vision blurred into a fuzzy image of many different colours as they swarmed around me. A headache approached quickly as I began to feel dizzy at the dances of colours. I was about to fall unconscious when my vision suddenly restored itself.

I found myself lying in the familiar cavern where I departed from earlier. The baby fire red dragon no longer snuggled into my arms, but rather chasing a smaller Ninja around the cavern as it let out tips of pleasure. It would seem that the dragon and Ninja had become friends.

Sitting up slowly, I reached for my head with my right hand attempting to dull the soft headache that had arisen. After a few moments it mostly subsided enough for me to continue on my way.

I stood up leaning back as I stretched out the tension within my bones. Once done I felt numerous times better as I gave my arms a few swings, testing out their effectiveness. I noticed that the gravity on earth and here was different in the way that this realms gravity was far less than Earth's.

Last ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora