Chapter Nine

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Frederick twirled his spear a few times showing his mastery of the weapon. Although those were preset moves done by the game, they still looked pretty cool. The tip of the spear pointed downwards towards my feet as he lunged forwards. Hi hair and mantle swaying behind him.

He was faster than I expected, far more so than any other player that I have met in this game. He closed the distance between us in almost an instant. He brought the spear up aiming for my chest. I brought up my right hand and using my sword a parried it to my left side. Using the momentum I spun around bringing my left foot up and kicking it towards his lowered head.

He just managed to pull back slightly as to avoid being kicked and in the process, taking a few steps back to regain his balance. We both stood up straight, watching, and sizing each other up.

"Would you look at that ladies and gentlemen." The announcer's voice boomed over the crowd. "Both of our fighters are exceptionally talented. This may be the fight of the two strongest we have in the tournament and they are fighting for your viewing."

Frederick raised his spear to the heaven and instantly the clouds began to form. They blocked out the sun with a dull gray. Lightening began to ripple across the surface of the clouds coming together in a single spot. After a few seconds, the lightening shot down and smashed into Frederick's spear as if charging the weapon.

He pointed it towards me and the energy released. It shot towards me as a few shards of lightening stuck the ground in the process. This attack was powerful and I didn't think that just my strength would be able to block this.

I poured my chaos magic into my sword and powered up for one of my newer Chaos skills, the Chaos Blade. With the Chaos magic poured in and with my power up, the Chaos Blade takes the form of my sword and when the sword is slashed, the energy is shot towards the intended target. The problem is that it also destroys the ground along its path.

As my power began to build quickly, I angled my body slightly to the left and brought my right arm up. Point my red sword towards the heavens. The lightening was just a meter away from me when I brought my sword down, unleashing all the energy built up.

A glowing blue outlined dark purple energy erupted forth and shot towards Frederick. As both energies collided a massive shockwave erupted outwards pushing the sand around into the walls. We were now standing on the ground itself. The crowd let out their astonishment, as they were protected by the game's arena barrier.

For a second, it looked like my Chaos Blade was losing ground before it began to push the lightening back. Faster and faster, the lightening began to recede. Frederick looked like he was trying hard to push back but it failed. The Chaos Blade shot forth and decimated the lightening and crashed into Frederick with a bright explosion. Smoke covered the arena before it quickly began to dissipate.

I stood watching as the smoke settled and instead of my victory as I thought, Frederick stood behind a bright golden see through barrier with thousands of runes circling it. But the barrier was not enough to protect him fully. His head and left arm glimmered red slightly indicated that he has taken damage.

He dropped the barrier and pouring his light magic into his spear, he lunged towards me once more. Aiming attacks at my head, torso and abdomen. The strikes were fluid and there were no wasted movements. He truly has mastered his spear.

I took most of what I had to dodge his attacks and parry the rest. He pushed me back a few paces dealing some damage in the process. Finally I spotted a weakness within his strikes. It was his stamina. He couldn't hold out much longer. As he slowed he strikes slightly, I took it as my cue to launch my own attack.

I parried his spear to the right and brought my left arm forward punching him in his chest. He took a step backwards due to the impact as I continue my barrage of attacks. Cutting, slashing, stabbing. I tried them all in hopes to wear him down, but they barely did their job. He was still standing.

Frederick jumped back until he was about ten meters from me and instantly began to build up his magic. The golden barrier shot forward and kept all attacks at bay while he prepared for his attack. A big ball of golden energy began to build up above him. It was twirling fast in a clockwise rotation.

As the ball began to grow bigger and bigger, thousands of golden rays shot forth from the barrier aimed directly towards me. It kept me as bay as he continued to build his attack.

The rays smashed into the ground following the path I was taking to avoid them. I don't know how he was able to build up enough power for his attack and at the same time, keep the barrier going strong. And on top of that he is sending a barrage of gold rays racing towards me.

The rays kept coming one after another smashing into the ground. I quickly glanced around the arena and found that the ground itself was now massively scattered with the impact craters of the golden rays.

"Holy Light!" I faintly heard Frederick say as the golden rays ceased to attack.

The ball of energy above him shot towards me with tremendous speed. I put as much of my power into defense as I could and tried to withstand the attack. There was no way I would have dodge it.

The ball of energy hit me square in the chest and exploded instantly. The impact of the blast shot me backwards causing me to fly into the walls of the arena, cracking it beneath the impact.

The light from the attack was blinding but soon my eyes began to readjust themselves. My eyes found Frederick standing on unsteady legs in the middle of the arena. Using his spear as a stand, he manage to keep himself upright. I guess that attack took a lot out of him. More so than I think he expected.

I dislodged myself from the wall and fell to my knees, coughing up a little blood. Luckily no one noticed. It would be a hassle if someone found out I could actually bleed in this game. Most of the sadist players would come after me.

Slowly I made it to my feet, keeping my gaze on Frederick. I decided that I really wanted to win this fight and I knew the exact way to do it. One of my other newer skills. One I found to be a little unfair against other players as it does quite a bit more damage than it should.

I brought my right arm up and directing my palm directly towards Frederick. Power began to build up within me. The area around my hand began to distort and crackle as dark blue lightening with dark purple outlines began to dance within the distortion.

"Distortion." I said softly as I shot my power outwards. A line as thick as a basketball shot forth and ripped up the ground. Making its way towards a frightened looking Frederick.

As the power reached Frederick it hit him with a loud thud sending a shockwave outwards pushing up dust. An area in the shape of a two meter diameter half sphere formed around Frederick. The distortion shimmered around Frederick enough to be visible to the naked eye. The attack sent the dark blue lightening inwards hitting Frederick at random intervals as the distortion sent wave after wave of impacts inwards towards him.

He held his head in his hands trying to block out the pain, but in the end the pain won and knocked Frederick unconscious. He fell to the ground limply as my skills dissipated. Everyone in the crowd was speechless. I stood staring at the unconscious body of Frederick for close to a minute before anything happened.

"Holy -" The announcer began before he cut himself off. "We have our winner. Using magic I have never seen before. Dark Stroke. The champion of the tournament!"

Wait what? I have only had two fights? What is going on?

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