Chapter Twenty Seven

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We stood poised for the fight, but neither of us were willing to make the first move. Since neither of us have shown our true power, we were sceptical about the initial attack. In most cases it would be the first to attack that would lose. Although I had high trust within my own capabilities, I just couldn't be sure of his.

I stood with my left shoulder facing him, with my eyes set firmly on his. My hammer, now transformed into Gungnir, Odins spear. I held the middle with my right hand, tightening it with every breath that crossed my lips.

I watched his every movement, his every twitch. If he was going to make a move, I would know about it. I watched his eyes for the smallest of movements. I watched and kept note of his breathing as the seconds passed.

The air filling the canyon became thick with the tension between us. No one dared to move, as Scale hovered high above us both.

As the red armoured man's eyes began to close for a blink, I took this chance and used an instant burst of speed to propel me forward. Closing the ten meter distance in a mere second. Clearly taking the red man by surprise.

Unfortunately, it did not last long. He regained his composure as he tightened the grip on his sword. The thrust I was planning tore through the air without a single sound being emitted. The power behind it rivalled more than the silver and the gold knights knew.

The thrust pierced passed the right side of the old man as he twisted to the right. Bringing his sword down to point towards his right side, he successfully deflected the thrust.

Following through with the momentum of the thrust, I quickly place my left hand on the pole nearer to the back, and twisted my body to the right as quickly as I could, putting as much speed and power into the next attack as it could possibly hold.

Twisting around, I placed my right on the ground as I used it as my pivot foot. Turning on the spot, when I ended up near the full revolution, I planted my left foot down and focused my weight onto it. I brought the spear around and slammed it into the red armoured man as he tried to bring his sword around for a block. He was a few milliseconds to late.

The spear slammed into his side causing a spat of blood to expel from his lips and a pained expression to cross his face. He slid to the right for a few meters but he sustained his footing. The determined look in his eyes didn't falter, instead he I found his eyes brimming with content and joy.

He shot forward with speed that nearly matched my own as he brought his sword downward in a diagonal arc, aiming for my left shoulder. I brought up the spear horizontally to stop his attack, but it held enough strength to push my hold down a few notches as his sword dug into my left shoulder, drawing blood.

I could feel the beast within me fighting for control, and I was barely holding on. It was only by my sheer force of will and wanting for this fight that I held on.

I pushed my Chaos power into my right hand as I quickly took it off the spear and formed a Chaos Blast. It happened in an instant as I shot the ball of energy, at half its original power into the chest of my attacker. It exploded with enough force to throw him backwards against the ground. He rolled for a few meters before he came to a sliding stop.

Myself, on the other hand, maintained my footing as my own power did not affect me. Instead the blast cauterised the wound on my shoulder. It was a strange event, but it helped at the moment. Although the pain was there, the movement within my shoulder remained unhindered.

I sent a Chaos Wave in the red armoured mans direction as I watched him get to a standing position. I ensured it was in full force as I let it all out. The ground ruptured into thousands of pieces as the force of the attack rolled through.

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