04 | Inveigled

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D A R K O S P. O. V.

Friday, February 1st, 2014

God, I love Fridays.

The only significant part of today so far was waking up to Taylor's soft snoring on my shoulder with American Horror Story still looping on my TV. As much as I had wanted to stay in that little time bubble, to be with Taylor as he softly leaned his head on my shoulder as he peacefully slept, I knew I couldn't. We had school today.

The first few classes, as well as recess, were about as entertaining as reading the dictionary. Taylor and I were so tired from our TV-show marathon that we were barely awake until the end of the fourth period.

The lunch bell woke us both up, and thankfully, we were finally allowed to buy coffee. We bought three cups each, but it just wasn't enough. I'm never binge watching TV that late again.

We had just sat down with the rest of our group when we heard her voice. That whiney, dick-in-mouth-sounding voice.

"So, who wants to come to my paaaaartyyyy!?" An extremely irritating voice said as it approached us, the sound piercing my ear drums. I glanced away from my beloved coffee, and surely enough it was Lyra. She smiled at my group while tapping her fake pink fingernails onto our table, waiting for an answer. After about a minute of silence, Lyra scoffed in annoyance. She had rolled her eyes before she flipped her curly hair over her shoulder, wafting her cheap peach scented perfume all over the place.

Yeah, she does that. It's cringy.

Lyra Anderson looked and acted like the typical clichè high school bitch. She wore clothes too tight for her (although nobody seemed to mind) and she's mean to everyone. She tries to be nice to Taylor, Bella & I but.. she has her moments. She's dated nearly every guy on the school's rugby team and she's cheated on every single one of them. She has a boyfriend now, but who knows how long that'll last?

I talk a lot of shit about her, but she's actually one of my closest friends. I just... don't agree with a lot of her choices. Yeah.

Among the rest of the students, Lyra's known as the 'Party Queen' and, to some extent, she is one. Nearly every month, she's been hosting these grand parties that almost always end up on the news. Riots, underage drunken messes, fights, and drugs are a few issues off of the top of my head that end up being broadcast on TV's and radios and plastered all over social media. For some stupid reason though, her parties seem to get more popular by the month, and the one she's planning right now already has 200 people attending.

"So?" She asked in a hurried voice, "which one of you idiots wants to come?"

Our lunch bench was big. It was the typical 'popular' table, but to me, it wasn't just that. Owning a motorcycle and being a professional racer meant that girls were begging for my attention, not that I wanted any of it. The table, hence, usually had all of the racer kids and the cheerleader squad overloading its benches. It's just a huge coincidence that all of the popular kids sat at the same table. I ignore most of them anyway; they usually only gossip about some random horse-shit, Kylie Jenner or something else that's irrelevant.

I mainly just focus on Taylor and Bella; emphasis on Taylor.

I don't like Bella. She might be a good person to others, but to me, she isn't. I just don't like her at all.

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