25 | True Intentions

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*A/N: Bet you didn't see this perspective coming! The gif^ Is Owen. You will understand his face expression as you read.*

O W E N ' S  P.O.V

Wednesday Afternoon, February 13th, 2014.    

'Owen, what's your last name again, sweetie?' Grandma texted me. Swallowing back the lump forming in my throat, I texted her back as I walked towards the music room. 

'It's the same as yours, gran. It's Prietto.' I texted back. I felt my phone buzz before I could put it back into my pocket.

'That's such a lovely name. When are you coming to see me next?'

I frowned. 'I saw you yesterday. I'll probably come and visit in a few days.'

'You visited me yesterday?'

Stifling back a sigh, I texted her back. 'Yes. Look, I'm busy right now, I'll call you later tonight. Love you <3.'

'That's okay. I can't wait for your call. I miss you, dear. x'

I slipped my phone into my pocket. 

I rounded a corner. I was about to open the door of the music room when I heard a scream erupt from the girl's toilets.

'The hell?' I thought to myself. Nobody should be here after school. That's either a teacher or a student that's snuck in. Why are they screaming?

I inched closer to the bathroom. I began to hear muffled cries and the annoyed groan of another female. 

"He's not taking me to the dance. What a fucking prick. I told him I loved him - what else do I need? A dick?!"

Instantly, I recognised the voice. It was Bella. The second voice began to speak. It was Nicole. Whipping out my phone, I pressed record, just in case they said something interesting.

"Can you shut the fuck up, or at least, quieten down? Did you forget that he's, like, two classrooms away?"

Bella blew her nose. "Sure. Whatever. Fine."

"What do you even see in him anyway? Taylor isn't that attractive, and he has the social skills of a dying cat. What's he got going that I don't know about?"

Bella scoffed. "He's cute, and one of the sweetest boys in the world. But, most importantly, he's got talent. Have you ever heard him play the piano?"

There was a short silence. Either Nicole shook her head or stared at Bella blankly. Regardless of what she did, Bella continued to speak. 

"He's gifted, both instrumentally and vocally. One day, he's going to be fucking famous. Rich beyond anything I'll ever become."

"So what? You want to get in with him so you can mooch off of his success?"

"Not entirely, but yeah. I'm not working a 9-5 hour job - screw that. Plus, I'll be famous by association with him. There's literally no downside."

I cringed. Thank fuck I intervened - I would hate to see Taylor being used by Bella like that. That's horrible. 

"What do you see in Darko? There are a million things I could call him, but dateable isn't one of them." Bella said to Nicole. I assume she shrugged.

"I don't see anything, did you forget? He broke my heart by never talking to me;  all I wanted him to do was notice me. This is all revenge."

I shook my head. Grudges are pointless and just make you seem like a terrible person.

Keeping A Straight Face | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon