27 | Suit & Tie

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*Just pretend that in the backseat of the above GIF is Lyra and Stefan*

D A R K O ' S P.O.V

Friday Evening, February 15th, 2014.

After looking at myself in the mirror for way longer than I should have, a soft knock on my bedroom door earned my attention. Fixing my tie for the millionth time, I shouted "come in!" before turning around.

Stefan walked in, silver and black suit on, grinning widely. He did a twirl before posing awkwardly in front of me.

"On a scale of one to ten, how great do I look?"

I smirked. "If I say ten, will you say the same for me?"

"Of course. Are you ready?"

I turned to face the mirror again. While physically I'm ready, I'm definitely not mentally prepared for the evening. I don't know how I'm going to handle seeing Taylor perform tonight. On one hand, it's going to be magical seeing him do what he loves, but on the other, I'm going to be miserable the entire night knowing I'm not going to be able to stand near him without Bella or Nicole threatening me.

Can't she find some other dude? Or, since she and Nicole are so close, date her instead? They're already a match made in hell, so why not take it up another notch?

"Dude," Stefan said as he walked closer, checking his watch. "Snap out of it, we've gotta go soon. Meet me downstairs when you're ready."

"Wait," I said, making him pause at the door. "How are you feeling? Are you ready for tonight?"

Understanding my implication, he turned around and softly shut the door. "No. I'm not ready to break up with Lyra. I don't think I ever will be."

I frowned. "You gotta make a choice then, bro. Rebel, or comply."

He nodded, pausing for a moment. He left the room shortly after, shutting the door lightly. I took one last look at me in my suit, before walking out.


"Both of your suits look lovely on you two," Mum said as we stood in front of the front door. She brushed off a few specs of stray lint that gathered on Stefan's shoulder. Dad smiled proudly at my suit, while barely cracking a smile at Stefan's.

"Not the... traditional suit like we planned, Stefan," Dad said disapprovingly. "You should have worn the same thing as Darko - he looks very dapper."

"Maybe I wanted to try something different," Stefan declared. "Not everything has to be traditional."

Dad's eyes widened. "I hope you're only talking about your attire here, young man."

Stefan sighed. Knowing that he'd be forced to stay home if he bickered any more, he relented. "I am. I'm sorry if I implied anything else."

Dad smiled. "Then you know what to do before the night ends. Make the right choice."

After an awkward pause, Stefan and I said our goodbyes and climbed into his car. He turned on the ignition and reversed out of the driveway when I began speaking again.

"So, what are you going to do?"

He scoffed, before turning to me. "Have you ever heard the phrase, 'love has no barriers'?"

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