26 | Brothers

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*A/N: Max Irons (in the gif above) is honestly one of the cutest actors I've ever come across. Anyway, that's enough of my unsolicited opinions; carry on!*  

D A R K O ' S  P.O.V  

Midday Thursday, February 14th, 2014.    

I angrily shoved a tater tot in my mouth as I watched a random girl ask a guy out. She pulled him aside, out of the nauseating love nest that the cafeteria has become, and popped the question. Overjoyed, the boy swallowed up the girl in his arms and they walked off, hand-in-hand.

Lucky straight fuckers. 

I glanced over at Bella's table. She had her arm draped over Taylor, who was smiling at something Nicole told him. I rolled my eyes before groaning dramatically as Owen joined me. 

"Hey bud," Owen said, plopping down next to me, indulging in a heart-shaped cookie. "How are you holding up?"

I glanced at Bella and Taylor again. She fed him a part of a cookie. "I highkey want to die. Does that count as holding up?"

Owen patted my back as I dropped my head on the cafeteria table. "I'm sorry he didn't see the note, dude. Maybe I should have given it to him in person. I feel terrible."

I turned my head to face him, half frowning. "Don't say sorry. In a way, it's good that he's over there and not here. Don't think I'd be able to contain myself near him."

Owen giggled. It's true - if he were to talk to me, I'd probably try something stupid, like kissing him. I'm so sick of Bella. I just want Taylor. 

"Uh, heads up dude..." Owen mumbled. I lifted my head slightly.

Nicole was walking over to us.

Stifling a groan, I sat up, locking eyes with her. She slid into the seat in front of us, a smile on her dolled-up face.

"Hey, Darko. Owen." She said, nodding to both of us. Owen smiled in response. 

"What do you need?" I asked, my tone catching her off guard. She sighed quickly before running her fingers through her blonde hair. 

"Do you... do you want to go to the dance with me tomorrow?" She asked calmly, a small smile forming on her pink-washed lips. 

After breaking into my car and assisting Bella with her blackmail against me, she think's I'd say yes?! Is she denser than a stack of concrete slabs?

I was about to shout 'No!' at her, but Bella was staring straight at me. I made eye-contact with her, and she shot me a withering glare, piercing my bravado. She mouthed 'do it' before mimicking a phone with her hand. She returned her attention back to Taylor after nearly catching on to what she was doing. I groaned, running my fingers through my hair, before nodding. 

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

Nicole beamed. "Sweet! I'll be with Lyra tomorrow. Meet me there with Stefan?"

'Ah yes, my three favourite people,' I thought to myself. Realising that I needed to respond to her, I nodded. She flashed a quick smile before getting up and walking back to her table. I dropped my head on the desk, groaning loudly as Owen rubbed my back.

"Hey, at least she's gone. Can't get any worse than-" Owen said, stopping abruptly. He leaned in closer and whispered, "I take that back. Brace yourself, Stefan's coming."

My eyes widened. Stefan sat where Nicole did, unable to make eye contact with me. He faced Owen, half smiling. 

"Hey, Owen. Could I talk to Darko, privately, please?" He asked. Owen looked at me, then Stefan, then lifted a brow. 

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