22 | Crushes

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T A Y L O R' S  P.O.V

Midday Tuesday, February 12th, 2014.  

I let out a frustrated groan as I stared at the mounds of sheet music in front of me. After sifting through it for the past two hours with Ana, all I want to do is set the stupid stacks on fire.

I angrily picked up a sheet, my narrow eyes scanning the wrinkled parchment through my glasses. Shaking my head, I screwed it into a ball and ditched it at a wall. Throwing off my glasses, I buried my face in my hands as Ana patted my back. 

"Why is this so hard?" I whined.  I couldn't see Ana's face, but knowing her she probably rolled her eyes at me or shot me an incredulous glare.

"Look," Ana said, her smile reassuring. "We will find the right songs, don't get so worked up about it."

I shrugged, shaking my head slightly. "We have two days to find the right ones, otherwise I'm going to look like an idiot in front of the entire school. I have the right to get worked up about it." 

Sighing, I let my head drop into my palm. "Maybe we shouldn't have taken the day off of school today - none of the things I know are good enough. I could have gotten advice from Miss Lauriana instead of doing this."

I shook my head and angrily shoved one of the sheet piles over, shouting. One of the paper's edge scraped against the wound on my hand, making me wince. I clutched my wrist as Ana frowned. It was Ana's idea to not put a bandage on it - she thought it would be good to 'let it air out'. I wish I didn't listen to her.

"God, you're such a drama queen! Breathe, Taylor - you're overthinking." She commanded. I rested my face on the palms of my hands and groaned. 

"I'm doomed."

I curled into a ball. I heard Ana groan, before hearing bits of paper shift around. 

"Hey," she said, tapping my shoulder. "Why don't you play this?"

I looked at the sheet music. 'Kiss Me' - one of my original works. 

"This song?" I said, my face scrunching up slightly. "Nah, it's too depressing."

Ignoring me, she sat there, her eyes scanning the lyrics. "Woah... this is really personal. Is this about...?"

I nodded. "Yeah... it's about Darko."

Her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! Please play it, I want to hear it!"

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck with my healthy hand. "I dunno... maybe. It's quite a long song..."

Ana grumbled. "Just play until the end of the first chorus. I fully expect you to sing, too."

"I'm sorry," I began to say. "I don't want to dredge up those feelings again. Wrote this when I was in a dark place."

With a huff, Ana snatched the sheet music out of my hands. We sat there awkwardly for a few minutes. Ana was about to say something, but she was cut off by her stomach grumbling. I giggled.

"I'll go make us lunch, then we shall resume the search for songs. I won't force you to play anything again- oh shit! Taylor - you're bleeding!" she shouted, pointing to my hand. I looked down, and sure enough, tiny crimson dots were racing down my palm. The cut must have reopened when Ana ripped the sheet music out of me grasp. I gritted my teeth, my face contorting with pain as Ana darted out of the room, fetching and tossing me a hand towel and some bandages.

"There," she said. "Would you like me to..?"

I shook my head as I dabbed at the cut. "Nah, I can do it. Go make lunch - I've got this."

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