16 | Fire & The Flood

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*Gif is probably how Taylor feels today*

T A Y L O R 'S P.O.V

Monday, February 11th, 2014

The school bus screeched to a halt in front of Vale High School, making Ana and I jostle violently in our seats. It was a stormy day - dark, foreboding cumulonimbus clouds filled the sky, blocking whatever sunlight they could snatch from the waning sun. As we and the other students spilled out of the withered bus, rain started to spray from the sky, pelting everybody. Ana and I rushed to a shaded spot near the front of the school, smoothing out our uniform and wiping off any droplets of water that clung to us.

"Yuck," Ana said, rubbing a few drops from her skirt, "what a horrible way to start my big bro's eighteenth birthday."

Yeah... I'm now officially eighteen. I've been too caught up in my own drama even to remember my own birthday. If it weren't for Ana parading into my room at one past twelve this morning, exclaiming how old I was now, I probably wouldn't have remembered at all.

"I like the rain," I said, wiping my glasses free from the droplets. "Just, not when I'm caught in it."

Ana smiled, but then frowned when she noticed how glum I looked. "Taylor, what's wrong?"

I snorted. "Oh, nothing, apart from this birthday being the first birthday without dad being here with us."

Ana froze for a few moments before extending her hand out, tentatively touching my shoulder. Her fingers made my muscles relax - I hadn't realised that I was so tense after blurting that out - before she sighed sharply.

"He's still here with us, Tay," She said, a half-frown forming on her lips. "This is going to sound cliche as hell, but, he will always be here with us. Don't let the memory of him ruin your day."

I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I didn't want to celebrate my birthday because all I could think about was the tradition dad used to do with me. We'd eat a huge dinner and play some upbeat songs on the piano before dad and I drove out to the beach where he'd give me life-changing advice. Every year, he's told me something worthwhile and meaningful, and it's been my guiding light.

That light is gone, and I am lost in the darkness. Maybe that's why I forgot my birthday today; my subconscious didn't want another reminder of dad.

"Taylor?" Ana said, her voice laced with concern, "What are you thinking about?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing, don't worry about me."

Ana frowned, retracting her arm from my shoulder. She straightened her posture, fixed her outfit for the last time, before resting her eyes on me.

"I know you may be in a dark place today, Taylor, but trust me - after school, I'm going to make sure you have the best birthday ever. Please, just trust me."

I looked at Ana, her eyes full of hope. I can't let her down.

"I can't wait," I said, forcing a smile on my lips. Ana's face lit up, a huge grin that exposed her teeth formed.

"Yay! I'll see you when you get home. Don't forget; I get home early because of my therapy, so everything will be ready when school ends. Don't be late or I will kick your ass!"

She smiled before walking off, joining her group of friends. She waved bye to me as she walked off, the clicking of her shoes fading to the point where the sound matched the rain drops falling onto the concrete floor below me. I turned and walked into the school, my smile fading into a melancholy line as I walked to Form room.

Keeping A Straight Face | ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें