SIX| "How's my baby?"

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"Stupid," I quietly muttered to the brown haired boy.

"Not my fault," he whispered back

"Rhys, Ava, are you listening?" Aiden calls, eyeing the two of us, we both quietly nod our heads and stare ahead.

I was almost late to work this morning but with only a toast in my stomach, I managed to make it just in time. Can't miss breakfast or else my stomach will sound like an earthquake.

The same time I and Rhys both ran in, breathing heavily as if we just ran a marathon when he only lives few doors away upstairs and I live across the road.

Now here we are, all four new employees standing in a circle as Aiden explains things.

Rhys - the stupid brown haired boy

Charlie - the cute blondie

Amy - beautiful ginger girl

Ava - the crazy girl with brown hair, oh wait that's me.

After an hour of explaining and showing how things worked around the cafe, we were ready for opening.

I wait patiently for my first customer, my eyes locked on the door.

Oh! Here she comes

"Welcome! What can I get you?!" I cheer, a little too excited.

Okay, calm down...

The girl looked taken back for a second, then proceed with caution as if I was a ticking bomb.

"I'll have an Ice latte," she ordered, placing her card forward.




Throughout the day my energy had died out and I was replaced with a robot on repeat.

I couldn't even talk to Rhys properly because Aiden's eyes followed us almost everywhere, watching all our moves. He was like a grumpy old man trapped in the body of a handsome young man.

The bells above the door rings, the sound faint, covered by the busy chatters of the customer around.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I ask, moving my dark blue eyes up to meet a pair of grey-blue ones.

Damn it, again?!

He stood there in all his beautiful glory, arms folded and a smirk plastered on his face as he watched me, "I'll have a black coffee, no sugar, no milk," he ordered,


Probably to match his dark and bitter soul.

"Will you be staying in or-"I start to ask, but got interrupted by dumbass, "staying in."

"Okay. Sir. That'll be $3.30" I fake smiled, gritting my teeth.

Kai places his card forward, into the machine.

Revenge time - for looking into my bag, throwing me out and embarrassing me, also because work is boring and I need a little entertainment.

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