NINE| "Are you on the menu?"

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"I told you, I'm too likeable!"I tell, Kai who was running his hands through his black silky hair.

"Well, we just have to tell him that we broke up after a few months," he sighs, rubbing his temples.

We were currently sitting in his car, parked outside my apartment trying to discuss the next game plan.

I tried to tell Squidward that he couldn't like me and what a disgrace I was but, he was just confused and kept saying how he liked that I was carefree and spoke my mind.

Even though I tried and insult him some more, literally blurting out any random insult and all he would do is laugh and shake his head.

"Yeah, but say that I broke up with you," I say, pointing to myself than at him.

My first fake 'fiancée and I didn't wanna get dumped, I wanted to be the one to dump his stupid ass.

"Huh, why?" He asks, looking at with his furrowed brows in confusion.

"Just." I shrug, getting out of his white Mercedes, not wanting to listen to his reply.

As I walk towards my apartment I start to make out a dark figure standing next to the door.

I turn around to find Kai still parked there waiting for me to go inside or maybe he just fell asleep.

I walk closer and the figure doesn't seem to budge.

Okay I'm scared

I start walking back towards Kai's car, where I could make out his confused face from outside.

"Come outside," I whisper-yell, knocking on his car window.

He physically sighs and stomps outside, "what?" He groans.

"There's someone there," I whisper, pointing to the figure standing by the door.

He straightens up as he turns around to look at the figure, narrowing his eyes. He starts walking towards it, while I closely follow behind him, holding onto the back of his blazer

He comes to a stop and clearly, my slow reaction causes me to crash into his back.

My poor nose

"Seriously," he says, I peak my head out to look at the figure, only to discover that it's a pile of bin bags.


"I swear it looked like a figure," I say, putting my hands up in surrender as I moved back, standing up straight. Kai just shakes his head while sighing, muttering to himself.

"Well, since you managed to walk all the way here, might as well drop me of inside as
well."I quickly say, pulling Kai inside.

"Wait," He stops and locks his car

Kai kept complaining the whole way, saying how I have legs and could walk on my own and what a scaredy-cat I was.

"It's creepy okay, the hallway light broke and you never know who could be hiding there. Anyways Rhys always walks me when I finish my shifts late." I explain, not like he cared but I finally stepped away when reaching my apartment door.

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