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"OH, MY GOD! AVA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" A panicked voice screams from the other end of the call.


He must've just got back from his long break, and probably wondering why my old building has disappeared.

"ALL I SEE IS A PILE OF BRICK! ANSWER ME!" He yells, I can imagine him running his hands through his hair, one of his habits he does when he's panicking.

Dude chill

"I'm still alive," I say, my voice still groggy due to the late hour and my thoart being dry.

"OH, MY GOD! YOU SOUND AWFUL! ARE YOU UNDER THE PILE?!" Rhys was clearly panicking, he breathing was unsteady and he kept shouting.

Gee thanks but seriously, RIP to my ears

"Ye-" I was about to say 'yeah, no' but clearly I wasn't given the time to finish before Rhys started shouting again, "I'M COMING!"

And he's gone

Due to my already sleepy state, I didn't have the energy to call him back or leave a text message. But I'm sure Rhys isn't stupid, he'll realise after a bit that I'm not actually there.

Then again at times, he can be a bit...stupid.

Well, I guess we can prove our theory through this experiment.




"WHYYYYYY!!!!!!" Rhys's voice echoed through the phone.

"Rhys, are you still searching for me?"I asked, getting up from bed

"What do you think? I've been searching all night!" He cried

Well shit!

"Listen, I'm not there and don't worry I'll come over since I don't start work until a few hours," reassuring Rhys, I finally hang the phone up and quickly get ready, so I could see Rhys before work.

"Don't you have another few hours before you start work?" Kai asked, standing in the hallway.

"Erm, yeah I do but I'm meeting my friend before work," I say, walking down the stairs with Kai trailing behind me.

"Friend?" He asks

"Yeah, Rhys Just got back from his break,"

Getting to the kitchen, I grab fruit not really in mood for breakfast, also because I need to make Rhys is okay.

"You don't want breakfast?" He asks, leaning against the chair

"Nah, it's okay kinda in a rush,"

"Ava are you okay?" He asks, looking a little concerned

"Yesss,"I say, narrowing my eyes at him

"It's just that Ava, you Ava, is refusing food," he states, shaking his head slowly

Rolling my eyes, I walk past Kai to head out.

"Just wait few minutes and I'll drive you there," He calls, already halfway up the stairs





"Rhys?" I call, staring at the back of a boy who was sat on my floor, his legs crossed and head bowed down.

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