FOURTEEN| "Areyoumarried?"

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I was about to ask her if she was sure when a new voice speaks, snapping both our attention towards the man standing in front of us, "what are you pointing at?"

"Chris? What are you doing here?"Adeline groaned, clearly annoyed by his presence. Her arm returns back to her side as she stood waiting for Chris to respond but, Instead of responding Chris drags her away.

Okay then...?

Once again my eyes fall back on Kai, this time his hands as I searched for evidence to confirm his 'engagement'.

But as my eyes roam over his hands, a tall body comes in front of me covering my view of Kai, "Hey, have you seen Adeline?" Asked the tall man, he was the guy that Kai was sat next to and he also seemed familiar.

"No sorry sir, I haven't," I lie, honestly I don't even know why but pray that was the better option.

The man narrows his eyes at me, he obviously doesn't believe me, "well can I take our drinks then?"

I simply nod and push the tray in front of me towards him.

It's probably already cold; the man easily picks the tray up and leaves to their table.

Wow...this whole situation is crazy confusing and I shouldn't even be involved in this. 

My eyes once again fall on the same table, now full as Adeline and Chris also sat around the table as they talked and laughed. Not liking how this whole situation and this strange feeling inside of me, I turn around to find something to distract myself with.

"Hey Charlie," I called, as I leaned back on the back counter.

Charlie seemed a little taken back as he stopped sweeping the floor and his eyes shook, he looked at me, he managed to murmur back a reply, "h-hi," then he went a littel out of control and started rambling,"do you need anything? would you like me to help-"

"Chill, I only wanna talk since theres not really any new customers,"I reassured him, he let out of breath of relief and slouched back to lean next to me.

I managed to bond with Charlie as we had a lot of free time, behind Charlie's cute shy personality was a funny dork. He was definitely a keeper, Rhys better watch his spot, his about to be replaced!

I was laughing at a post that Charlie was secretly showing me, when I hear my name being called, "Ava."


I look up so fast that my head would have probably rolled of my body, letting out a breath of relief when I notice that it's just Kai and not Aiden.

"Ava, isn't your shift finished?" He asks, his eyes questioning as he raised his eyebrows.

I look up at the clock resting on the wall ahead, "oh, yeah!"

"Bye Charlie, I'll see you tomorrow."I wave, taking off my apron and walking to the changing rooms.

Skipping out of the café, I skip past Kai who was leaned against his car, watching me.

"Where are you going?" he called after me, but I paid no heed to him continued to skip to the bus stop.

I take a seat, reading the post that tells you when the next bus will be here, in 20 minutes.

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