Remus And The First Full Moon

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It was on the first day of a cold September when Remus began to feel the effects of the oncoming full moon.

He looked out of the fogged up window at the clear blue sky above him with tired eyes and a pounding headache in slight fear.

Never had he ever witnessed a full moon on the first night of the term in Hogwarts, and he was scared. What if he turned during the sorting ceremony? What if everyone saw? But even more than these fears, he feared missing the first few days of lessons. He didn't want rumors to spread about him.

"Cheer up Moony!" James exclaimed, nudging Remus with his foot from the other side of the carriage.

Remus glared at his friend before resting his pounding head against the cold glass.

The glass hummed from the movement of the train and condensation had begun to form at the tops of the windows, light catching the small droplets as they sat against the glass.

Remus's senses were heightened, and had been for several days. He loved his added eyesight, so that he could finally take off his glasses and see the outside world clearly, he relished the way he could smell the autumn leaves and the freshly cut grass, or see something a hundred yards away. Those were the perks of his condition, but then when the pain begun, he would always regret letting himself think that being a werewolf could be enjoyable.

Remus began to nibble at his dirty fingernails before Sirius Black pulled his hand quickly out of his mouth.

"Well at least we won't get many scratches this time." He joked, inspecting Remus's stubby nails.

Remus usually loved the train journey. The four boys would joke around, plan pranks, and eat as much food as humanly possible before stumbling out of the carriage at Hogsmeade station ready for a term full of mischief and mayhem.

Sadly, this year that would not be the case, well at least not in the way that they wished.

James, Sirius and Peter watched with a pang of sadness for their friend as he slept most of the journey. When he awoke hours later he still looked as though he had not slept in days, and they knew that there was nothing they could do to ease his pain and side effects.

"We'll be with you every step of the way." Peter said encouragingly, to which he earned a glare from Remus. He knew that they meant well and were just concerned for his well being but he would have preferred if they had not given him any sympathy.

When the train finally arrived at Hogsmeade station, James pulled down Remus's suitcase from the rack above his head and carried it without a word, a tired Remus following behind him quietly. The boys rode the large black carriages up to the castle, where they were finally greeted by Professor McGonagall.

Remus watched as James talked quietly with the old witch, a look of worry evident on her face, and a small nod ending the conversation.

James returned and patted Remus on the back.

"We're to miss the sorting ceremony. We're going to go straight to the shack after dropping our cases off." He told the three boys, to which all of them nodded in subtle understanding. They had been friends for years and these days, little words were needed to convey things as they all understood each other perfectly.

Hours later, when the full moon was high in the sky, casting light over the forbidden forest and the grounds around Hogwarts, the four boys were safely locked away in the shrieking shack.

Remus growled, scratched and bit everything he possibly could. He had begun to learn to control the wolf but this was a particularly strong full moon and he was finding it rather difficult.

Then he heard a howling from outside.

The four creatures all turned their heads instantly, James, Sirius and Peter fully understanding the consequences, but Remus not quite due to the hysteria of the full moon.

The howling fueled the fire inside him, and before any of the others could stop him, he was out into the cold September air under the full moon.

Remus, in his wolf form, bound through the long grass until stopping to howl at the glowing white orb himself, to which he was greeted by another howl almost immediately.

He ran in the direction of the sound, James, Sirius and Peter chasing after him in their animagi forms to stop him, control him, do whatever they could. The stag and dog waited for the rat as he was struggling to keep up with his small legs. When they looked around, Remus was nowhere to be seen. Worry pulsed through them all, what if they lost him? What if a student was taking a leisurely stroll through the grounds? Anything could happen with an uncontrollable werewolf out on the loose.

Sirius sniffed the ground, using his new found skill of scent to track down Remus, before setting off after the trail, James and Peter close behind him. They ran under the canopy of the forest, fearful of students who may be star watching out of their windows, especially as the bright moon lit up anything and everything it cast its light upon.

When the three boys finally reached the clearing at the top of the hill they found two wolves, Remus and another, one they had never seen before.

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