Chapter 23

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My maids didn't ask what happened. For that I was grateful.  Instead they just helped me wipe the makeup from my face. They insisted I changed but I just shook my head.

They left me after that on my bed with my dress spread around me like some sort of fairytale. Never did I think a fairytale life could be the worse thing I'd ever experienced.

"Charlie?" There was a small knock on the door. Of course. One of the few things I've come to love about the palace. Adeline.

"Hey Addy." I force a smile, even if I was genuinely happy to see her.

"The cameras didn't catch it all. I don't know what comfort that brings you..." She trails off shutting the door behind her.

"That helps a lot actually thanks." I smile and scoot over on the bed. Addy crawls up beside of me and slips off her heels.

"What happened?" She asks in a soft voice.

"I exploded. Like some sort of quiet bomb nobody knew was there. Basically said I didn't want to be here if Catastrophe was here too." I close my eyes. "Said I didn't want to be associated with her and if he was into girls like that he shouldn't like me." 

"He's gotta send her home then right?" Addy whispers.

"I don't know..." I say quietly.

"He was canceling the party when I left. Sent a bunch of girls home. Not Catastrophe though.." Addy drifts off.

"What about Rae?" Addy shakes her head. I sigh inwardly but return to my previous state.

"I don't want you to go." She says. I can tell she's on the brink of tears in the way her voice cracks. She sits up on her knees and wraps her arms around my neck.

"I'm sorry." I tell her putting a hand on her back.

I hear another knock on the door, harder than Addy's, but less sure. Addy doesn't turn to the door but keeps her head buried in my shoulder.

"Alex.." I choke on my words before I can even tell him to leave. I can see by the way he looks at me and Addy that he didn't expect to see her up here.

"Listen—" he starts.

"Go away! Just go away!" Addy turns around and screams. She slides off the side of the bed and puts a hand on the door. "Give her some space! Can't you see you've hurt her!" I knew she was crying then by the black mascara lines running down her cheeks.

Addy pushed him backwards which was plenty to make him step away and slams the door. She turns back to me crying and barrels into me hugging my waist and crying into my lap.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to her. "I'm so sorry." 


I don't go to breakfast the next morning claiming to be sick. Breakfast had probably just started and Addy had left my room just minutes ago.

I didn't sleep last night but just lay on my pillow thinking. Every once in a while Addy would murmur something.

"Hey." It was Rae this time. "Brought you some food?"

"Thanks but I don't think I can eat." I smile and shrug.

"Then I can sit up here with you." She smiles and invited herself in. "I don't think the prince went to breakfast either."

"Maybe he will just starve to death." I roll my eyes. "Sorry that was mean."

"Cameras are waiting to see what happens, Char." Rae tells me.

"I'll probably just be sent home soon." I tell her.

"Why?" She asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I shake my head.

"Well Alex wanted me to tell you that we were having a thing where we just stood there while people looked at us basically."

"The public?" She nods. "Is that even safe?"

"Probably not but the king is pushing it." Rae shrugs. "It's tomorrow. By the way."

"God." I sigh and roll my eyes. "My maids'll be working their butts off just trying to get me an "appropriate" dress."

"Late notice." Rae shrugs. "I think my maids might just let me wear the dress that was supposed to be for dinner tonight." She laughs.

"Did you dance with the prince yesterday?" I ask suddenly.

"Twice. Wasn't romantic or fun really. He wouldn't stop staring at mCatastrophe." Rae snorts. "Might as well have kissed a frog."

There are different people you go to with your problems. There is the people that are reasonable, or tell you what they would tell everyone. Then there are those people who know you and give you advice that sorts makes sense. Then there is Rae who makes you feel like your problems aren't problems and there's nothing to worry about.

For that, I am grateful.

So since I took forever updating the last chapter I'm going on an updating spree hopefully😂😂

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