Chapter 34

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I walk into the women's room the next morning. I hadn't been in there in a while and I almost wish I hadn't.

I find Addy not sitting very far away from the entrance with tea and a book. Other girls sit near her talking not stop.

"And his lips were just irresistible!" It was Courtney. I almost whip my head around but I didn't want to cause a scene.

"Don't overrate it Courtney." Peyton rolled her eyes. "It was a peck on the lips. Maybe he wouldn't have done it if you weren't hanging off of him. He just wanted to leave. We all watched it."

"You can't overrate love!" Courtney says in a gasp.

No it didn't sound romantic from what I heard, but it didn't make me happy either.

"When was this?" Asked a small voice that carried a name I did not know.

"Two days ago. Courtney's date with The Prince. It was sort of weird cause we watched through the window over there. Just a walk in the gardens." Peyton shrugs.

"Don't underestimate it!" Courtney screeches. "It was beautiful! He loves me you see!"

"Oh please." Now that was a voice I did not expect to hear from. Adeline.

"Excuse me?" Courtney says. Obviously she doesn't know who said it or else she would not have sounded so rude.

"No, excuse me." Addy says standing. "Alex is not a prize to be won but one to be trusted to take care of. Not just him but you will have the entire country of Illéa's fate resting in the center of your palms."

Her mouth forms an 'O' if only Courtney had known who had said it.

"No, in fact it's hanging on to your fingers. Dangling by the tips of your fingernails because it is not as easy as you think to handle a country. So if you would stop battling with each other maybe you should focus on what you actually can do. Because once we get to the Elite, not only will you fight for the prince's heart but also will you have to earn the position of queen." She stands as she talks already with such authority.

"Now I think I'll be going to the library. Char, would you please accompany me for a minute?" She says the last part politely and smiles a bit.

We walk out together letting the doors close on their own.

"You wouldn't believe what I found." She tells me and her eyes go round. "Remember the room? With the people that looked like the Jamestown settlers? They were the Roanoke colony."

"Nevermind." She says. "Lets sit down one we get to my library."

She scurried down the hall so fast I almost couldn't keep up. We got to the library and she beamed.

"Okay ready to hear all I've got?"

"Okay." I laugh a bit.

"Roanoke was actually an attempted colony before Jamestown. No one actually knows what happened to them but it wasn't good. Now it's known as the Lost Colony. Not a single one of them found.. tragic isn't it?" Addy says to me.

"That's weird..." I say after a moment. "How do you just lose people? So many of them too."

"There weren't a lot of people I guess. Nobody for miles that would actually be watching for them." Addy shrugs.

"I guess you aren't wrong. There weren't a lot of people who cared about them. And even if there were... they couldn't have known. Awfully tragic."

"I know. It's terrible." She sighs. "But so incredibly interesting." Her voice lets off like she loved it but hated the thought.

"I think I've got another room in mind." Addy says.

"Then lets go."


"We've got to be quiet." She whispers. "I don't want you getting in trouble, but if anyone walks in go in that door."

"What room are we going in?"

"Mine." She mutters. "Just don't make a lot of noise."

"Okay." I answer. No I don't think it was legal to go to the princess's room.

The first thing I look at isn't the ceiling but the plainness. I didn't expect that. As you walked deeper into the room you would notice the books stacked on her dresser though.

"Don't think I'm a best person it's just I'm not in here a lot." Addy giggles. I laugh little but not too loud. "Here's what caught my attention." She runs over to slightly off center of the middle of the room.

"Can you tell what it says?" I ask.

"The Revolutionary War."

Royal  (A Selection Fan Fiction) (Book One in my Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now