Chapter 41

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"They're waiting! Come on! Please hurry!" I beg.

"Okay okay, miss, you're ready." Tailor laughs as she ties my corset back into place.

"Thank you guys! Bye!" Then I'm running in my heels down the steps and past the confused guards. Every girl was already talking to her family, but where was mine?

But I find them. I didn't stop running until I barreled into Jason.

"I see you finally showed up." Jason laughed and the sound of his voice made me cry.

"I missed you so much." I was crying harder than ever but my tears only soaked into his suit.

"I missed you too." He hugs me back tight against him and I missed him. I even regretted leaving for a minute.

"Everything's went wrong here." I mutter.

"Have the girls been nice?" He asked me quietly. 

"They're awful!" I shake my head. "They're all so spoiled!" 

"Quiet what you say their all in the same room right now." Jason says but he doesn't seem worried.

"I think they already know it." I say honestly and pull away from him.

"Charlie!" It was Paisley who saw me next. I sink onto the floor in front of her and have wraps her thin arms around me. "I missed you." She was crying even more than me.

"Come here, Paisley." I pick her up in her beautiful dress and let her cry into my shoulder. "It's okay, it's okay."

"I thought you died for an hour." She whispers. "I thought you got shot and I was never going to see you again!"

"It's okay. I'm okay. Let me hug dad okay? Then maybe I'll take you to my room and you can get ready with me?"

"Okay." She said still emotional. I hug my dad but he didn't say much. I see Louis.

"Hey Louis." I smile. "Thanks." She didn't have to ask what I was talking about.

"You're welcome, sweetie." She smiles while her skin wrinkles in the corner of her eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a neat bun and her dress was beautiful. No doubt the work of a palace maid.

"Charlie you're so beautiful!" Tayloe engulfs me. She looked so different while she was so dressed up.

"I haven't seen you since I could call you my sister now have I?" I smile. "Neither have I with you, brother." I say to Henry.

"Nice to see you again." Henry smiles and hugs me.

"I'm sorry about your dad." I tell them.

"It's okay. Don't bring it up. Don't ruin the moment." Tayloe tells me sadly. I nod and turn and see a familiar girl who I walk to. She stood near Alex but I didn't know why she was still here.

"You didn't think you'd see me again now did you?" She asked me smirking. I look at her, who looks at Jason, then I look at Jason, then her, and she nods.

"Wait! Jason?" I ask her. She nods. "Oh my god Payton!" I scream and hug her.

"I only got engaged." She laughs.

"You got engaged to my brother, Payton!" I scream out.

"Well I told you I would." Payton shrugged.

"I can't believe that." I laugh.

"Well you should. I live on the border of the town beside of you. Met your brother a few months before the Selection." Payton tells me. "Now go have fun with your family, you haven't seen them in a long time."

"Thanks for coming Payton." I smile and walk back to the rest of my family.

"You could've written me and told my you got engaged." I say but I wasn't upset with Jason.

"I didn't want her to get in trouble. She could've been hanged, you know, and it would've been my fault. So I didn't tell a soul. I promised her she could trust you but not to say too much in case someone overheard." Jason said. "Don't be mad please. I wanted to tell you."

"I'm not mad." I shake my head and laugh.

"Charlie! Charlie!" I turn and see Addy running swiftly with her irked ponytail swinging behind her head. Her eyes widen and she stops a foot in front of me which I walk between. "Is that your brother?" Her eyes widen.

"Yes it is, do you think you want to meet him?" I ask. "He got engaged to Payton, you know?"

"He's even better in real life." She says staring at him.

"Lets go talk to him?" I ask. She grabs my hand and pulls me forward.

"Hi! I'm princess Adeline but you can call me Addy. I saw you on the departures when Charlie left and it absolutely broke my heart." Addy says holding her hand out to Jason.

"I expected a lot of things when I came here, but none of which included the princess remembering me." Jason laughed and shook her hand.

"Couldn't forget you." She smiles. "But your sister has kept me a lot of company the last few weeks. I hope it gets to stay like that."

I smile at her but realize she wasn't saying it because me and Jason were there. It was because she knew could see Alex standing against the wall.

"Would you mind if I stole Charlie for a moment?" Alex says as he comes up behind me and puts a hand on my back.

Jason gave me a weird look and I laughed. I pull away from Alex and stand on my tip toes to hug Jason around the neck.

"I'll be okay." I promise.

"Don't be away too long, okay?" Jason whispers.

"Okay love you." I tell him then I turn around and hook my arm with Alex's. "What did you need?"

"I just thought maybe you should introduce me to your family. It's very important to me." Alex says as soon as we stand behind the doors that led into the room we left.

"Have you already met everyone else's?" I ask.

"Not particularly." He pauses. "I don't plan to though. Not formally."

"Okay well... why my family?" I ask.

"Because your special." He says pushing his lips against mine. "Come on let's go."

Royal  (A Selection Fan Fiction) (Book One in my Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now