A Convenient Inspection

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Title: A Convenient Inspection

Humiliation victim: Roo_the_Ruler

Embarrassment Rate: I am gonna give it a word instead of a number... Classic :D


I was at a local convenient store, and I seen one of friends come in, and they walked over to me. So we started talking and me (being me) was trying to look cool and leaned against the thing closest to me, which CONVENIENTLY happened too be the chip rack, and the whole thing toppled over and the chips and dip fell to the floor. The worst part is the only thing I could say was "Oh you know, I was doing a random midday chip rack sturdiness inspection. I would like to inform you that you failed. Good day."


A/N: Hehehe! I laughed so hard when I heard this!! I love it :) " Oh you know, I was doing a random midday chip rack sturdiness inspection. I would like to inform you that you failed. Good day." That's the best thing you could of said! Thanks for sharing Roo_the_Ruler xD!

( If you want your story in this book let me know :)) )

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