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Okay this is MY embarrassing moment.... So it is ur turn to comment the following


Humiliation victim: Undetectable_dreams

Embarrassment Rate:_________

Best Title and appropriate rate ( word, sentence or number) will get an extra dedication!


So here it is!

You know how there are those day where the grocery shops are practically empty and you expect nobody that you know to be there?

Well... My friend and I were having one of those hypo days and went out to get some groceries for my mum and our favourite song came on the radio through the speakers above, nobody was in the aisle so why not do a little crazy Dance ( which was terrible btw ) with each other??

Then we stopped after about 30 seconds to find my crush and his two friends standing down the other end if the aisle laughing... Yep we walked away pretty quickly!!!!


I may not be the funniest or best embarrassing moment but it sure was for me!

So comment away and I will let you know who WON in the next chap. :))

I will give you 24 hours!


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