The Worst Announcement

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Title: The Worst Announcement

Humiliation victim: charminq

Embarrassment Rate: 9.5

Wow this one is definite on the classic list what do u think guys?


OMG so I was 14 and just got my period and my mom was so excited THAT she told my entire family over dinner that night.

My brothers haven't stopped teasing till this day and I'm 19 now

Omg that's the worst!! That has kinda happened to me.... I mean my mother always said that it is a private thing, obviously not for you! charminq thanks for sharing hun xD

Hey guys what do you think of the book so far? Are my titles appropriate? My style of writing okay?
Let me know people! Thanks for reading!

Please if you can check out my poem RUN it would mean the world! :D

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