Stutter Disaster

3.3K 118 13

Okay, I apologise in advance for my long authors note - But, before I announce who won for the chapter 'YOUR TURN' and earned the dedication I have to say the biggest THANK YOU!!! TO YOU.... I JUST KNEW WE WERE ALL GONNA BE GREAT MATES HAHAHA!!!
You have no idea how happy I was after I went through my depressing exam to find this book had reached over 1k !!

I finished early so I was just sitting there on my phone smiling like a total, complete idiot... I even let out a little giggle of excitement. XD I wish I could of jumped around do a little a happy dance. But as you know 'random dances' don't work out for me .... That being proven in the last chap.

Anyway the decision was tough but I chose the title "Messed Up Dance-A-Thon" by marzie1123

I thought it was really creative and it stood out to me, so thanks is I'll give u ur dedication :)

But now for the embarrassing moment!

Title: Stutter Disaster

Humiliation victim: Musicanimalsandme

Embarrassment rate: 9 coz I know how scary it is to get up I front of a lot of people!


When I was in 3rd grade, we have a play where our classmates were playing as people who have a major fight

(The girl got pregnant by someone who is married but the father of that baby, remember that it's just a PLAY)

and I was being the host.

When I was about to speak "Good Morning", the 4th graders who is AN ALL BOYS SECTION came invited to watch, then I suddenly spot that person whom I'm not comfortable to be with

(A.K.A. crush, yah I know, too young)

Then I was just like "Goo-Goo- Good,- Goo-Good mo-mo-mo-mom".


Haha in front of all those people OMG!!! I don't know why but I also, tend to stutter my speech I front of crowds... Anyone else?
Thanks for sharing sweets! XD
Pm me if u want you embarrassing moment in here or put ur embarrassing moment always welcome!

Peace and love x

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