Not face Palm...Face Pole!

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Title: Not face Palm...Face Pole!

Humiliation Victim: lalalavender11

Embarrassment Rate: 8.5!! Wow and ouch!


One day in P.E. we were waking around the Basketball Court,waiting for our coach to blow the whistle for us to run .

My friend James was singing Royal by Lorde.

So I of course turned around to see how stupid he looked!

I started walking Backwards and so when the coach blew the whistle I turned around RUNNING STRAIGHT INTO A BASKETBALL POLE!!!!

I am still remembered at my school for being that stupid girl who ran into a pole :-/

It didn't help that my CRUSH saw it and my head started swelling!


Hahahaha OMG that happened to my best friend! ( If your reading this u know who you are....)

Funniest thing! although it would of hurt,


Thanks for sharing! ^.^

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