Purr Like A Kitten

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The bright sunlight made me pull the blanket over my head with a groan. I sighed in annoyance, wishing that there was a button to automatically close the curtains.

Deciding to start my day after fifteen minutes of rolling around I threw the covers off and reached for my phone.

Holy moly it's 1p.m.?! How had I overslept so much?!

Vaguely, I tried to recall what I did yesterday.

I was still in the same clothes, how exhausted had I been?

Did I drink yesterday?

No, else I'd have a headache. I reasoned.

Did I- OH.

The man in the elevator.

The pain.

That explains the blackout.

And yet I couldn't help feeling as if I was forgetting something. But what?

My stomach rumbled and I got out of bed.

Something was different. Something was wrong.

I was forgetting something.

I had missed two calls from my best friend. That never happens - I always woke up by the ringtone.

It almost felt as if I'd been knocked out.

I hit redial and Xena picked up in a beat.

"Where are you!" She shouted immediately into the speaker, making me hold the phone away from my ear.

"I'm at The Wolf." My throat was thick from sleeping. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the haze. "Did you just wake up? Isn't that late for you?" She spoke a little softly now, my groggy voice was a giveaway.

"Yeah, I uh - I don't know I must've been really exhausted or something." I said lamely and I could almost imagine her gears turning.

"Exhausted? You landed yesterday evening..and went out for a simple dinner with the director. How could you possibly be exhausted?" She didn't believe me.

Neither did I.

"I don't know Xen. Maybe it was the travelling." I offered and she scoffed but then decided to not pursue it anyway.

"So? How was he? Liked his work? Think he'll do your script justice?" Her voice took an excited turn and I felt myself smile.

"Yeah. He really liked it. He seemed to be genuinely happy about it. I think he said they'll start shooting in about six months. He even asked me if I had any casting suggestions!" I said happily, my sleep fading as I spoke more about my dinner meeting yesterday.

This was the fifth script I'd written and hopefully like the other four, this would turn out great as well.

I wrote movie scripts for a living, it had always been a dream job for me.

"Hahaha. Wow Flo, that's amazing!" She cheered and I smiled. What would I do without her?

"So when are you getting here? My work is done and I'm ready for our vacation!"

"I should be there by tomorrow evening, don't worry. Till then just find something to do!" She sang and I couldn't help but grin.

I was excited now.

We'd been planning a vacation for so long and it had finally arrived.

Suddenly, from the other side of the phone I heard a scream and Xena yelled. Next thing I heard was glass shattering and Xena cursing even further.

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