A Taste

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Flora's POV

"So, what does this do?" I asked, toying a small rubber cap that was placed right above my heart. Sienna looked up from her tech and gave me a distracted smile, "It covers the sound of your heartbeat to make sure that it doesn't transmit through the phone. We don't want him figuring out that you're lying."

I nodded, understanding what she meant. But then...

"Isn't that a little suspicious though? She won't have a heartbeat he can overhear? There's no way a normal human can control that..." Grey spoke up my thoughts and I nodded, siding with him. Reece was looking back and forth between us, debating what we could do.

"I mean, we're just assuming that he'll think that there's just too much distortion or something." Sienna answered, but her own voice was unsure.

"But we need the room to be pin-drop quiet cause he told her to be alone. There's no way she could talk with noise in the background." Reece reasoned and we nodded, wondering what to do.

"Well, there's no way he can hear her heartbeat, he'll know she's lying when her heart wont race when she complains about the forceful marking." Sienna argued back, still thinking that this was the best option.

"I have an idea." Atticus piped up and all eyes turned to him – he rarely spoke up, only did as he was told. Reece nodded, indicating he should continue. Atticus' neck turned a little red, and in that second, I knew I wouldn't like this idea.

"Well, I mean. Her heart just has to race at the right points, right? He doesn't need to know why it's beating so fast." He explained, and then his head tilted ever so slightly towards his King. My face lit on fire.

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" I asked, my voice a squeak and he looked away, avoiding my gaze. Realization dawned in Sienna's eyes while Grey thumped me on the back. Reece's eyes twinkled and I knew he was going to enjoy this way more than he should be.

"I think it'll be too hard for Flo to maintain her composure if I, ahem, turned her on." Reece muttered cheekily and I had the urge to walk to him and knee him right in the balls. We'd see if he could get turned on after that.

"I think this is a terrible idea! For starters, it's so embarrassing!" I mumbled, all my nerves flustering with just the thought.

"Just talking about this is working. I think this is a great idea." Grey spoke, and it was his turn to be kneed in the balls now. Sienna looked, unsure between the four of us. She seemed to be the only one who wasn't enjoying herself as she thought about it practically. I gave her a hopeful look.

"I think...I think this is the best possible way to make him truly believe it." She said after a moment all the hope ran down my body into the ground. Never to resurface again.

I slapped a hand to my face. "Don't worry, we'll leave the room, obviously." Atticus said immediately and I gave him my meanest glare. He. He was the problem. Reece chuckled at my feeble attempt to seem threatening, but I thought I was doing a damn good job at scaring Atticus. He looked like he might bolt any second.

"Flo, come on now. We don't have much time. And you do know that this is the best thing to do. So, don't be like that." He told me politely and I frowned. That was true, we had to get that bastard Jeff Kurt, and we had to get him now. We just had to. I had to do this, if not the werewolf kingdom and the Nihls then at least for Xena, who thought he was family. Family isn't supposed to be like that.

Sighing, I nodded, and Sienna moved forward, taking off the rubber cap and placing it on Reece instead. This was going to be humiliating.

"What do I say if he asks where Xena is?"

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