Hot Springs

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Hank's POV

I saw my father standing outside our library. Was it him or did I see a ghost? He was the busiest person I had ever met – never had time for his son, or his niece. What was he doing here? Didn't he have diplomatic missions to go for and problems to solve? I'd tried to link him several times after I told him this, but he had blocked everyone. I'd gone the old-fashioned way and sent him a text as well. No reply. Nothing. That's how he was.

So I had no idea what he was doing at the steps of this small library. Had Reece called him? Why didn't anyone inform me that my father was here? He spotted me a minute after I did – slow for werewolf reflexes. If this was a war zone, he would be such an easy target. He really should have kept all the paperwork to one side and practiced honing his warrior skills for a little while.

And yet, I was the one caught by surprise because he simply saw me and walked over. His face held several expressions - anger, sadness, concern, but not a shred of surprise, leading me to believe that he was expecting me. I stood there, stone still as he engulfed me in a protective hug. It was awkward, but welcome. I hadn't felt protected in a long time. It seemed that all I did was protect.

But what was he doing here?

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I looked at him dumbfounded. "How come you're here?"

He matched my quizzical look with his. "My niece died. Your sister." He told me, as if I didn't know that already. "I know." I told him; my voice as confused as his. What was he getting at?

"So, I'm here to check up on you, which leads me back to my original question – are you okay?"

"No." I answered truthfully, the concern and interest in my life from my father had rendered me stupid. He pinched the bridge of his nose before he hugged me again. This time, I returned the hug.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that alone. I wish I could have gotten here sooner but the earliest flight was this one and I was obviously too late." He began to ramble, and I gave him a wide smile. Forget all that; I was just glad that he was here.

"When did you get here?" I asked him, as we began walking back to the library steps. "I landed half an hour ago and immediately came here. They were going to send another elder – the King requested for one, but I intercepted and said 'No! I am going to go. I must meet my son!'" I smiled a small smile. So he didn't forget me.

"I tried to link you..."

"I know, but you know our regulations. All elders must keep their links shut while travelling to prevent being tracked and for safety purposes." He told me and I nodded, I did know that – I just didn't know that he was travelling here, to me.

"So you're here to help Reece?"

At that he stopped and turned around to face me. For once I felt like a small boy again. My responsibilities included making fun of my sister and getting dirty playing in the mud outside. "I'm here to help you. And along the way I will also help the King." He told me and I hugged him.

"She died peacefully."

"I'm glad to hear that. You were very strong, son."

"I wish there was something we could've done. Did you suspect anything?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't. We just assumed she was going through a rebellious teenage phase like all she-wolves."

"I want to kill the ones who are behind this. The second I get my hands on them, they die." I promised my father and he nodded, equally vengeful. "These people must die."

Satisfied, I nodded and opened the library door for my father, the elder. Reece was sitting inside patiently, next to his mate, our Queen. They were on one of those comfortable couches, Flora stretched, and her eyes shut, while Reece looked at her fondly, and occasionally playing with her hair. The moment he saw us, he straightened up a little, but just enough that the Queen didn't stir from her sleep. Although, with her strong, regular heartbeat, I could tell that she was deep asleep, and there was a high chance that even an explosion wouldn't wake her up.

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