Right About Now

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I surfaced and resurfaced. One moment I was in the brightly lit reception, the next I was in an elevator, the next a hallway, doors on either side.

I could hear worried tones.

"What happened to her?"

"Oh dear!"

"To think she found out like this.."

"I wonder what Alpha will do."

I knew that I was in Reece's arms throughout the journey because of the unmistakable sparks that I felt despite my partially subconscious state. I could also hear him barking out orders to people. Maybe he thought I was not coherent. And he would be right. Nobody in their senses would let a man-wolf carry them. I had to really consider that therapist again.

"I said, give me a count! I need to know!" His voice boomed just above me, and I shivered at the threatening tone.

"Noori! She's still awake! Give her some more!" Fear pooled into my stomach. He wanted to knock me out?! I had to fight!

"No..!" I managed to groan, fighting the onslaught of pain that came with the slightest movement.

I heard a door being opened and the next second I was gently set on the bed. I missed the warmth he provided. The sparks disappeared and suddenly my body was throbbing even more, as though he was the painkiller I needed. With great difficulty I managed to open my eyes.

We were in one of the hotel rooms, I think it was the one Reece was staying at because it looked closely similar to mine. Basement 2? I couldn't recall. Reece was standing at the foot of the bed, helping the doctor unpack her supplies. Grey and Dani stood at the doorway, their faces tense and their expressions matching Reece's. He raised his head to look at me and our eyes met. A chill ran down my spine and my eyes widened in alarm.

He froze before he quickly recovered and moved closer to the head of the bed. The bed sheet under me was soaked red due the slice in my arm. Alarmed at his approach, I tried to raise myself but screamed when the sudden movement burned me. I was in too much pain to try this.

His firm hand pushed me back down instantly, as his jet black eyes burned into mine. "Don't move! You're hurt." He commanded, and I wanted to submit to him. From behind him Daniella let out a low warning," You're scaring her, Reece. Don't yell." She went back to help Noori.

I looked back and forth between the four of them - Reece next to me, staring down the length of my body with barely restrained anger and grief, Daniella trying to keep everyone calm, Noori too focused on her own equipment and Grey - what was he doing?! I could see him pacing back and forth in the outside corridor just beyond the door, yelling to no one in particular. "Round them all up! Ask them once to co-operate or else finish them! No, don't keep any prisoner!" He sounded so livid, never had I seen him like this. The usual goofy and calm Grey yelling like a storm.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't possibly escape them without a diversion and I couldn't even move! I was trapped! A large, warm hand came to rest on my forehead and I flinched, making the pain flare.

"Don't- don't touch me!"

Reece looked at me in agony and everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to look at us.

"Flora..." he whined softly and I tightly shut my eyes and shook my head. "This is not real. This is not real. None of this is real. This is just a nightmare, a horrid horrid nightmare." I opened my eyes again. They were still there.

"She's in shock." Noori finally looked up at me, a large needle in one hand. I whimpered at the size of that thing. "Stay away!" I yelled meekly as I tried to get up yet again. Reece's hand came down on my shoulder and held it's position this time, not letting me move. "Flora, please. Please try to relax. You are safe now, we won't hurt you." He spoke so tenderly, so warmly that his words had an effect on me. They were calming me down. His touch, his sight, his voice - all of it was helping me relax now. How was he doing that?!

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