Veterinary Degree

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Flora's POV

"So, this is where you will be sitting. Now, we've made sure that your dress is comfortable and easy to move about in, but the heels..." She spoke, her glasses bobbing up and down as she continued walking around with me.

"Do you actually need the glasses?" I asked her, and she laughed a merry laugh. "These? Oh no! My eyesight is perfect. It just gives me a more sophisticated look, you know?" She told me and I nodded, not really knowing. Xena gave me a weird smile as well. We couldn't make the heads or tails of this woman.

Zia, Hank's mate, had finally made it to where we were. Apparently, she was a world-renowned designer who kept going away all the time to design clothes for important people. I remembered Hank being very excited about her coming the night of the midnight feast. She'd left after only one night only to come back again after she found out about Brianna's loss. She was one weird woman, but she nevertheless had our hearts.

"Now you go do a thing. I have to meet Hank." She told us both and we stayed exactly where we were. So far, I'd tried on twenty-three dresses before she finally found a gown she approved off. It was crazy, these designers.

"Wait so what should we do?" Xena asked me as she bounced away from us and I just shrugged. Everyone around us was doing something or the other. Some were hanging lights, others were bringing in flowers, some were setting up tables, everyone was setting the grand ballroom to make it festive. I didn't know any of their names, but they'd all come and bowed to me at least twice. It was a disaster. Xena and I were being shown around, and we had been explained the whole procedure of the event. The official schedule and everything else had been set.

I was beginning to suspect that they already had such party plans in place for last minute events with the ease that everything seemed to have been put together. Reece, Noori and Nate were at one of the other wings because Noori had apparently gotten a breakthrough with the doses that had been given to Reece by Brianna. She said she could at the least identify the doses in food, by some or the other test and tell which ones had been poisoned from now on.

I hoped that she never had to test it.

Sienna Grey and Dani were going through the invite list. Vetting the Alpha's around the world and checking last minute ticket prices and ensuring safe passage for them all. I had been given a book of sorts that had all their information, along with pictures that would have to be memorized soon. I shivered at the thought of that fat photo album in horror. There was no way that I would remember even twenty people from that list.

Cole, Atticus and Hank were going through non-festive things. They were combing through Deta's life, but also through Isla and the mysterious Dr. Zhen's life, trying to get a hit on the woman. I would probably go and help them out for now.

Hank's father Henry and Reece's uncle Theo were in charge of locating one Jeff Kurt, a.k.a Julian Carlson, a.k.a the guy who pretended to be Xena's brother. Xena wanted to go and help them out for now.

I spotted Isla a little away, standing by one of the smaller doorways as she followed instructions from another person. She gave me a light smile and I returned it, partially worried about her being up and about on her feet so quickly.

"Their healing power sure is crazy." Xena piped up next to me and I nodded. It was.

"Hey, do you feel like taking a walk?" I asked her, the palace grounds looked pretty, and nobody would have a problem if we ventured a little. Xena nodded, "I thought you'd never ask."

The garden soil had been recently disturbed. There were new flowers planted that were growing – mostly for our arrival and the afternoon Sun was covered largely by clouds. The weather was perfect for a walk.

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