There Was a Bug

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The car ride back was tense. It was a three hour journey, but we hit the main town in twenty minutes itself. The streets were bustling with activity. There were people everywhere, some dressed fancily as they made plans for the night. I was exhausted. Next to me, Xena had woken up in between and then gone back to sleep again.

Reece was sitting shotgun, while Paul (I found out his name), was driving the car at dangerous speeds. He was a talkative chap. Not once did he pick up on the tense atmosphere in the car. He had to assure me, several times, that werewolf reflexes were amazing and that the current speed was in fact, slow.

His words didn't help me fall asleep. My hand was patting Xena's head unconsciously, she moved around from time to time but otherwise slept through peacefully. Reece hadn't said a word since we took off. Paul told me a lot about himself, and I was glad for the distraction. Otherwise those smoldering eyes that kept looking at me from the side view mirror would reduce me to ashes. He honestly couldn't be so mad at me. I had to do what I had to do. Even he would do the same thing.

I couldn't believe that he made me feel this way, like I was some irresponsible child who was getting the silent treatment. Well, I'd show him some silent treatment of my own!

"This, right here ma'am is where Miss Sienna studied." He pointed to a large, medieval building smack in the middle of a royal looking compound. "It's been standing here since the last 100 years, this building." He told me and I nodded, taking it in.

"How come Sienna studied at a boarding school while you were with me?" I asked him, silent treatment be damned. Paul turned towards Reece, waiting for an answer as well. I was tempted to remind him to keep his eyes on the road.

"She- she had some issues with authority." He told me vaguely, and I got the feeling that this was a touchy subject.

Paul however, did not. "Miss Sienna was a wildfire! I remember her from when she was small, such a free spirit! Nothing could tie her down!" There was a fond smile on his face at whatever memory he was playing in his head. I felt myself smile. I had hardly had a chance to know her because she was always away. Reece missed her immensely on some days, not that he showed it. I made a mental note to ask Sienna about it later.

A large hand gently shook my shoulder awake. I mumbled in annoyance and then the hand went to cup my cheek. The small sizzle of current only served to make me more comfortable.

"Flora we've reached. Come on now." he mumbled softly into my ear and a smile made its way to my face. "Hmmmm." I told him.

"Flo, Xena's already on her way inside. I told her we would catch up." He told me again, and I frowned. It didn't matter. I was comfortable here.

"Why do you always force my hand, love?" He whispered softly and I gave him no reaction. My mind was a soothing haze. I felt one hand go below my knee, while the other one went behind my neck. My smile widened at the closeness.

And then I began to slide. Before my eyes even opened a peep, I was out of the car and three feet in the air. I grumbled in annoyance. The car had been so warm! My eyes peeled open to see a magnificent chest, flexed due to him carrying my weight. My hands lazily slid to the back of his neck as I leaned closer to him, the smile persistent on my lips. Then I realized that we were walking among an entire crowd of people like this.

Instantly, I shuffled, trying to smoothly get out of his grip. My head turned away from his chest to notice other beings and I turned red. Everyone outside was staring at us. More specifically, me.

"Reece, put me down!" I whisper yelled, but his only response was to hold me tighter. I let out a groan. "Reece! I mean it! I can walk, put me down!" I said again, trying to put more weight into my words.

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