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 Just as he finished securing the last of their packs to the saddle of his white stallion, whose coat was caked in spots with mud that had dried overnight, Jasper saw a flash of silver hair in the crowd of people packing the wagons close by. He turned as Zephyr approached and felt a tightening in his abdomen at the sight of her. She was smiling brightly, her green eyes gleaming with delight as she rushed up to him. Bennet was leaning against a tree a few paces away where he'd tied his own horse, munching on an apple he'd swiped.

"Good morning!" Zephyr chimed as she came to a stop in front of Jasper. Bennet took a last bite of the fruit, tossed it to the ground where his horse reached its head down to finish it off, and walked the few steps over to join them.

"Well aren't you chipper this morning," Bennet said with a grin at Zephyr, causing her cheeks to flush with color, her eyes squinting slightly as she smiled back at him.

"I have something to ask the two of you" she began, "and I thought maybe I'd need to butter you up before asking it." She gave Jasper a look. "I'll probably need to focus my efforts on you." Jasper cocked his head in question even as he smiled at her snarky remark. What could she need to ask of him? She looked to the ground, her fingers nervously playing with the folds of the dress she was wearing, before continuing.

"I'd like to continue on to Faron with the carnival."

"It would take us twice as long to get there if we stay with these people," Jasper responded plainly. "The queen's men would almost certainly catch up with us, probably in just a few days. We would have a better chance of getting to Faron safely if we just try to outrun them." Jasper looked to Bennet for agreement, but the other man just shrugged his shoulders before turning to Zephyr, as if waiting for her to explain herself.

"Nakomi says that they won't have a problem hiding us," she rushed. "The soldiers already talked with the caravan once and left quickly, she doesn't think they'll be bothered to check back again." She paused before continuing, her eyes taking on a pleading look. "Nakomi and Dalin can teach me to fight with that spear thing that Agitha left me. I want to stay and learn to use it. I'm sure Agitha never used it, so she had to have meant for me to, and if that's the case then I need to try. I can't always rely on you two to save me." Jasper felt a pull at her last words. He found himself wanting to be able to protect her, but he didn't think he could do so as effectively if they stayed with the carnival. Bennet disagreed.

"I think she's right," the other man chimed in. "Nakomi I mean. There can be safety in numbers. And watching this one fumble around with that weapon could prove to be highly entertaining." Bennet chuckled as he nodded toward Zephyr. She gave him a small glare, which only made him laugh more. She turned back to face Jasper, her face going serious.

"I'm going to stay," Zephyr said, "I understand if you don't feel safe here and want to go. I won't be angry if you decide to leave." Jasper could see the earnestness of her words, but at the same time he knew she would be disappointed if he did decide to leave her and head out on his own. He knew Bennet would follow wherever he himself chose to go. Maybe his friend had a point about there being safety in numbers. Jasper considered the options for a moment, though deep down he knew his decision had been made the moment Zephyr said she would be staying, regardless of what he ended up doing. He had to stay and protect her, he owed it to her for not saving Agitha, and would never be able to live with himself if he left and something happened to her. Jasper let out a sigh of defeat.

"Well, I guess we will stay then," he said, then gave Zephyr a slight teasing grin. "I only wish you had told me you'd made this decision before I had saddled and packed up the horses." Zephyr pursed her lips at him as though she were repressing her own smile, her eyes giving away her delight.

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now