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Having stayed up much too late talking with Saria the previous night, Zephyr was in no way ready to be summoned at the break of dawn to some sort of council meeting. Saria's attendance was also apparently desired, much to Zephyr's delight. Poking at her friend until she finally decided to rise, Zephyr thanked Frederick for waking them. The older man stepped outside the room with a nod, saying he would wait and show them to the meeting room.

Saria rolled out of her bed, looking a mess. Puffiness enveloped her eyes, her face whiter than usual from the crying she'd been doing before finally falling into a restless sleep. Zephyr ached for her. Lara's reappearance had shaken Saria almost as much as her disappearance had all those years ago. Zephyr helped her friend ready herself, keeping quiet for the most part. When they were finally ready to leave, Saria couldn't even seem to meet her father's eyes. Zephyr gave him a small shrug, but he still looked heartbroken.

Silently they made their way through the mess of tunnels and stairwells, Zephyr just as lost as ever. She would never learn her way around this place. Finally she recognized the sight of Heart in the distance, but just before they exited the tunnel into the open expanse of the city, Frederick took them up a steep staircase. Intricate railings were carved along the walls on either side, and Zephyr noted how each stair had been hewn from the rock perfectly, each one smooth and equal in size. A bright light shone from above, growing steadily as they made their way upward.

Following closely behind Frederick, Zephyr and Saria at last stepped into a large room. A massive, round table stood in the center of the space, surrounded by chatting and milling people. Some wore official looking robes, others plain tunics and trousers. Zephyr caught sight of Matthew sitting at what she guessed might be the head of the table, in deep conversation with a middle-aged woman with brown skin and streaks of gray weaving through her long, black hair. She seemed to be speaking quite adamantly about something, and Zephyr could see a bit of herself in the way the older man's lips were pulled tight against whatever it was the woman was saying.

A tug on her sleeve pulled Zephyr's gaze away from her grandfather and the mystery woman. She glanced at Saria who was pointing upward, a look of awe on her face. Zephyr followed the line of her outstretched hand, and felt her breath catch slightly. Above them, rising in a grand dome, was a glass ceiling. The sun was just rising between two peaks in the mountains, and was beginning to shine through. Rather than large sheets of glass, the ceiling was made from what could only be thousands of small facets, reflecting the light in every direction and color, distorting the view of the outside world but creating a work of art unrivaled. Who could have created such a thing?

"Zephyr," Frederick's voice pulled her from her trance. "You should take a seat over next to your grandfather." Nodding, Zephyr said a quick goodbye to Saria and made her way toward an empty seat next to Matthew. Along the way several people stopped her to say hello. A few were faces she recognized from the day before, although each of their names evaded her. At last she was able to slip into her seat, a breath of relief escaping her.

"Good morning, my little breeze." Matthew's voice was cheerful, but Zephyr detected the slightest hint of strain. She returned his greeting, then turned her gaze on the woman seated to his right.

"Ah, Zephyr," the woman said, her gaze much too skeptical for as early as it was. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I was beginning to believe you'd gone the way of the stars." Bold. Bordering rude. Zephyr would have to watch this one.

"Zephyr, this is Elin, one of the members of our acting council." Matthew leaned back as Zephyr reached across to shake the woman's hand.

"So nice to meet you." Zephyr held the woman's gaze, her natural inclinations screaming at her to hide under the table. After a long moment Elin let go of her hand, giving Zephyr a small nod of approval before turning toward others taking their seats around the table. Why did Zephyr feel as though she had just fought some sort of battle already? Why did she feel as if she'd won?

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now