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 A slight pressure on her hand pulled Zephyr back to consciousness. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Zephyr listened to the sounds around her before opening her heavy eyelids. Snatches of whispered conversations made it to her ears. Some voices were familiar, standing out slightly above the others around her. When she heard Jasper recounting their fateful encounter in the bookshop to whomever he was speaking to, Zephyr finally forced her eyes open. Phantom pain filled her insides, a vice-like grip taking hold of her chest. In an effort to distract herself, Zephyr tried to take in her surroundings. She had noted nothing more than the dense but small cropping of trees surrounding their group before her eyes fell on the person seated to her right.

Saria had Zephyr's hand clutched in her own. Zephyr looked into her friend's eyes and saw her own pain mirrored there. Her face suddenly felt pinched, her eyes squeezing shut once again to hold back a rush of tears. She felt her hand being squeezed tighter, her arm being tugged forward, heard a small sob escape from Saria. Zephyr let the other girl pull her into a tight embrace and finally, finally cried the way she had needed to for so long now. She was past the overwhelming weeping that had overtaken her earlier. She hurt, stars she hurt. Every part of her, every single thought was full of pain.

"I miss her." Zephyr felt her heart wrench again with the words. Saria pulled her even closer, sniffling into her hair. Zephyr wanted to just stay that way, she felt safe. Finally. Her mind wouldn't allow her more rest though. They weren't safe. They were nowhere near safe yet.

It took every scrap of strength she had left for Zephyr to push her emotions back down into that deep pit that had been carved out inside her. Finally gaining control, Zephyr slowly pulled herself back from Saria, untangling their clutching arms.

"This seems like a ridiculous thing to ask right now, but are you going to be okay?" Saria smoothed her friend's gleaming hair down as Zephyr nodded and took several deep breaths.

"I have so much to tell you." Zephyr didn't know where to start.

"Maybe we can talk while we move," Saria said as she pulled Zephyr to her feet. "Everyone else has kind of been waiting on us." Saria gave her a sheepish look and Zephyr felt a pang of guilt that mixed with gratitude.

The two girls walked hand in hand toward the group standing near the edge of the trees. Smoke rose into the fire lit sky above the city in the distance. Urgency hit Zephyr when she saw how near they still were to danger.

It was clear that there wouldn't be enough horses for everyone in their small group. Only about twenty rebels had escaped Faron with the Devereaux's, and with them only four mounts. One child and the five women in the group were given priority when deciding who would ride. The spare horse was given to Nik, who left to make contact with the rebel faction in the capital after barely saying a word. Zephyr took note of Saria reaching her other hand out to squeeze the shoulder of another young woman who was watching anxiously as Nik galloped off southward.

Without much more deliberation, the group began its departure. Frederick pointed in a general direction and everyone started to move out. Saria let go of Zephyr's hand to mount her own horse, an ugly beast, and Zephyr felt fear seize her once again. Her mind told her to move forward to where Bells stood, but her body refused to respond. One gasping breath later and Zephyr knew she was going to break down again. Suddenly a hand was at her elbow. Startled, Zephyr spun into Jasper. Holding her arms gently he looked into her eyes. Zephyr felt her irrational fear receding. After a moment she nodded at the young man and he helped her into the saddle. Giving her calf a small squeeze, Jasper left Zephyr with a small smile and walked over to join Bennet, Frederick and a few other men walking ahead. Zephyr and Saria were already beginning to fall behind the group. Spurring their horses onward, they followed the men ahead eastward.

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now