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Seventeen people were killed in the attack. A memorial had been held the night before to honor the lives lost. Zephyr had been stuck in her bed at the time, the same place she had been for the last two days since Kade had led a foolhardy mission into the mountain. After the adrenaline had worn off, she could barely walk. Her knee had swelled to the size of an eggplant, and rather looked like one too.

She'd missed the cleanup as well. Saria had informed her that morning that the beautiful, unparalleled dome Zephyr had obliterated was to be replaced with a more conventional roof. Not that she regretted what she'd done. No, the only thing she regretted was the seventeen people who had died because Kade was after her. It was slowly becoming easier to not blame herself, but she still felt a stab of guilt if she thought on it too long.

"The nurse said you're okay to walk around now," Saria said softly from where she sat on her own bed. "Do you want to try? Get out for some fresh air maybe?"

Zephyr nodded. "Actually, there's somewhere else I want to go."

A quarter-hour later, Zephyr pushed open the heavy wooden door of the new meeting hall, Saria filing in behind her. It wasn't really much of a hall. More like a room. Zephyr felt her heart rise into her throat as every single pair of eyes landed on her. Wonderful, apparently they were late.

Matthew beckoned to her as Saria slipped away to sit with Jasper and Bennet on the edge of the room. Zephyr took a step toward the empty chair next to her grandfather, then faltered. Why shouldn't she sit where she wanted? Turning, she walked over to Jasper, waved for him to scoot over a seat, and plopped down between him and Saria. She looked up in time to catch Elin rolling her eyes. Zephyr couldn't find the energy to be annoyed. As Elin began speaking again- apparently she had interrupted a discussion about whether or not their base had been well and truly compromised- Zephyr met Chira's gaze. The other girl's lips twitched up in the slightest smile. Zephyr nodded and turned her attention back to the discussion.

The security of the base seemed to be a rather heated subject. Apparently part of what made the mountains and Heart so safe were the strange red veins that ran through the rock. The ore, similar in every way but color to iron, could be used both to cut off a person's Gift if worn against the skin, or to block any Gift from detection by others whose power allowed them to locate other Gifted ones. The blood iron, as the rebels called it, had kept them hidden from Lorelei for years now, along with the remote location. Zephyr reckoned that it wouldn't do much good now though, as Kade was sure to run straight to the queen to reveal their location.

"If we can't stay here safely," Elin said loudly, interrupting several others, "and we have nowhere else to go, then we need to begin seriously discussing other options. Such as a march to take the capital."

Ah. That escalated quickly. Zephyr's own shock was mirrored by the hard silence that fell over the room. Matthew at last let out a long sigh.

"Are you going to tell us what you have planned, Councilwoman, or just leave us stewing here all day?" Elin gave him a look that showed precisely how unamused she was, before turning back to address the entire room.

"We need allies, greater numbers, if we are to stand any chance against Lorelei's full strength. I think it's time to start utilizing our symbol." Well, that hadn't taken long at all.

"We can start by spreading rumors about the princess's Gift," Elin continued. "Send runners from town to town and city to city to stir the pot with stories of how Zephyr has vanquished Lorelei's men on multiple occasions now." Zephyr decided it was time to speak up.

"Elin, I..." she was cut off by a stern look from the older woman, who quickly continued.

"If we lead people to believe that this is the princess's rebellion, that she gathered us all and is leading us, the commoners will eat it up. They love a good story."

Zephyr once again met Chira's gaze. The other girl simply raised an eyebrow, but her gaze asked a question. A question that she was finally ready to answer. Standing abruptly, Zephyr flung out a burst of air that sent all of the papers in front of Elin scattering across the room. Now she had their attention.

"First off, the princess has a name. Second, maybe if you didn't view the 'commoners', as you called them, as mere numbers to add to your cause but as actual people, maybe then you'd gain some true support." The room was silent, all except for Bennet's foot tapping against the stone floor. Zephyr honestly thought she was in danger of fainting. A light pressure from Jasper's hand on the back of her knee gave her just enough strength to continue on.

"I truly don't care what you say about me to my people." She hoped her voice sounded stronger to everyone else than it did to her own ears. The hard part was coming up. "We all know I don't understand the first thing about leading a rebellion. About leading a nation. I in no way deserve to be your queen." She paused again, taking in a deep breath as she did. "Yet. But I am the legal heir. I deserve a chance to learn. My people deserve a queen who is at least willing to try that much."

Murmurs and whispers were beginning to spread throughout the room. Zephyr fixed Elin with a stare. "So, all I'm asking of you is that you give me that chance. That you help me, teach me. If I can't do it, that's one thing. But I want the opportunity to try. I know I can learn, I can train. Be more than a name from a story. Give me the chance to earn my birthright, and I will try my hardest to live up to it. But I won't be ignored anymore. I won't be taken lightly."

A few protests began, although to Zephyr's surprise, Elin just sat back, a smug look of satisfaction on her face. Chira stood, her voice ringing out over all the others.

"My people will never side with the usurper. But we also will not side with you rebels. Not unless Zephyr Starling is recognized as the true queen and is allowing to act in that role." The ambassador paused, her eyes alight with a playfulness that Zephyr realized was the real Chira shining through. "With assistance. Rulership is in her blood, I have no doubt that she will live up to her name and title, given the chance." Just as abruptly as she'd stood, Chira sat back down, seemingly finished. Silence stretched for years or seconds, Zephyr hadn't a clue as she stood there. At long last, Elin threw her hands up.

"Well we obviously aren't going to turn down the help. And you," she said to Zephyr, "it's good to see you finally showing some backbone. All in favor?" Ayes sounds around the room, some more begrudging than others. Matthew's rang out louder than anyones, his eyes gleaming as he beamed at his granddaughter.

Zephyr plunked down into her chair and heaved a sigh. At almost the same moment, both Saria and Jasper each grabbed one of her hands in their own, holding on tightly through the end of the meeting.

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now