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As Zephyr followed her grandfather down the tunnel, Saria rushed forward. She tugged on the sleeve of Zephyr's tunic, her friend turning to face her, happy tears still filling her shining eyes.

"Zephyr," Saria began, her voice soft. "I didn't know, I swear. I would have told you."

A small laugh escaped the other girl. She pulled Saria in for a tight hug.

"I know you would have." Relief filled Saria at the words.

"Jasper's awake," she whispered for only Zephyr to hear. Saria pulled back to see warring emotions flicker across her friends face.

"I need to... I have to go with him." Zephyr gestured toward the older man, who now stood several feet away, giving them a semblance of privacy. Saria nodded.

"I know." Saria pushed the other girl towards Matthew, giving her arms one last squeeze as she did. "This is important for you. He'll understand." Zephyr nodded with a small smile and a mouthed thank you before turning back toward her grandfather. Saria watched them walk away, the older man's arm slung across her friend's shoulders, holding her close to him as though she could disappear any moment. A wave of emotion swept through Saria, and she wiped at her eyes before turning back and heading off in the opposite direction.

Coming to a stop at the wooden door Bennet had entered several minutes before, Saria gave a light knock before twisting the handle and pushing softly. She opened the door only enough to peek inside. Jasper lay on a cot, sleeping again. She winced at the sight of him. Covered in bruises, a gash ran down the left side of his face, from his temple to his jawline, barely missing his eye. Saria thought that one would probably scar. His shirt had been removed, and bandages covered the area below his ribs as well as his left arm. No wonder he'd fallen back asleep.

Saria stepped the rest of the way into the room, and Bennet finally looked up from where he sat. She cringed.

"Did I wake you?"

Bennet chuckled. "It's ok, I shouldn't have let myself doze off in case he wakes up again."

"How is he?" Saria asked softly, glancing back to the wounded man. Bennet let out a sigh.

"The healer said he will be fine. Maybe a little scarring, but no permanent damage. He was awake long enough to roll his eyes at me once before he passed back out. She said he probably just needs to catch up on rest for now." Saria watched Bennet look at his friend, his face more serious than she was used to seeing. She tugged at her sleeve and dropped her gaze to the floor.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier in the tunnel," she said. She heard Bennet stand, his footsteps light on the smoothed, gray floor as he came to stand by her. She looked up, meeting his hazel eyes and felt color rise to her cheeks. "I know you were just worried about Jasper and Zephyr and I was too so I shouldn't have taken it out on you like that. I just get so wound up and the slightest thing can push me..."

Saria's words were cut off as Bennet took her face in his hands and kissed her fiercely. For a split second she just stood there, her eyes wide as he pressed his lips to hers, one of his hands slipping to the back of her neck to tangle in her hair. And then she found herself kissing him back, giving as much of herself as he was. Her hands went to his chest, her fingers grasping at his shirt as she pulled him closer. Bennet pressed forward, and Saria felt the hard surface of the wall behind her. Her back arched as she deepened their kiss, letting weeks of pent-up attraction flow out of her. His lips were like ice to her fire, a calm to her storm. As he trailed a hand down her arm, she shivered almost violently, a small gasp escaping her.

Bennet pulled away, just far enough to stop her from kissing him again. He leaned his forehead against hers and his breath tingled against her lips.

"I've wanted to do that for a very long time," he said, grinning. Saria couldn't suppress a smile of her own.

"Then why did you stop?" Her words seemed to unravel him, and before she could catch her breath his mouth was pressed to hers once more. Saria thanked the stars for the wall behind her, unsure that she would be able to stand without it.

They probably would have continued on that way for a much longer time, but a cough interrupted them. Saria froze, and Bennet pulled away, laughing as he did.

"Oh good, you're awake again!" Bennet pulled Saria away from the wall, toward where Jasper lay smirking up at them.

"I am," Jasper said, trying to sit up with a grunt. Bennet dropped Saria's hand to help his friend. Once Jasper was in a more comfortable position, Bennet pulled a chair from the other side of the room over for Saria and they both sat down beside the cot.

"I'm glad to see you two have finally worked that out," Jasper said, giving Bennet a knowing look. Saria blushed furiously. Bennet couldn't seem to stop with the grinning.

"Enough about us," he said, reaching out to slap Jasper on the shoulder and then seeming to think better of it. "You look wonderful!"

Jasper rolled his eyes, wincing as he tried to shift a pillow behind himself.

"Zephyr told us that it was Kade's fault that you two were separated from us," Saria said, anxious for a new subject. She regretted her choice as soon as Jasper's eyes began to search the small room.

"It was," Jasper said, his eyes focusing on the closed wooden door. "Is Zephyr okay?" Saria worked to suppress a cringe.

"She's fine. She had... other matters to attend to," Saria began, looking to Bennet for help.

"Her grandfather's here," Bennet took over. Jasper finally looked back at them, his face set in a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"That's wonderful," he said, and Saria felt a hint of relief at the sincerity in his voice. "Is she with him now?"

"She is," Saria said, and Jasper nodded.

"Good," he said, seemingly lost in his thoughts. "That's where she needs to be right now. I can't believe she has family alive."

Bennet placed a hand gently on his friend's shoulder. "I don't think she's going to forget about us though, we're her family too. She's going to need all the support she can get here." Saria nodded eagerly, attempting to bring up the mood weighing on the room.

That said," Bennet continued, mischief in his eyes. "Is it safe to assume that you two worked out whatever you had going on?" Saria took note of the hint of pink lighting Jasper's cheeks.

"We talked," he said, and Bennet snorted. Jasper gave him a bored stare until he was once more listening attentively. "We have an... understanding."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bennet asked. Jasper looked uncomfortable, and Saria was ready to tell Bennet that this was none of their business when he finally continued.

"Zephyr's life is complicated at best right now. She has a lot bigger things to think about than..." Jasper trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words as he gestured toward himself. "I told her that I'll support her and help her deal with whatever she's about to face. I don't want to distract her from the more important things right now. I'm okay with not being a priority any time soon." Saria's heart swelled at his words. Zephyr, perpetually scared of change and never ready to jump into anything ever, had somehow made the most patient and understanding man alive fall for her.

Saria reached out to take Jasper's hand in her own. "She's worth waiting for." Jasper looked back toward the doorway, and Saria though she could almost see the words he would say next reflected in his eyes.

"I know."

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now