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Bennet paced the dim hall, faint torchlight flickering off of the stoney surfaces surrounding him. He could almost feel the weight of the mountains pressing down on him, threatening to break his calm facade as he waited for any word from the healers on Jasper and Zephyr. He wasn't as worried for the silver-haired girl. Yes, she had been a mess as he'd half-dragged her through the hidden tunnels to the area reserved for the sick or wounded. But other than a few minor scrapes and bruises she had seemed okay. Jasper on the other hand...

"Would you please stop pacing?" Saria's voice was edged with annoyance. The dim firelight bounced off her curls, making it as though her small features were engulfed in flames. Her eyes were rimmed with red, hands fisted and arms wrapped tightly around her waist as she sat on a stone bench across the hall from where Bennet stood. He stilled, falling back to lean against the wall. Saria rolled her eyes when his foot began to tap out an erratic rhythm.

Bennet hadn't been able to keep still since they'd separated him from Jasper and Zephyr. He thanked the stars with every breath that a patrolling scout had seen two figures fleeing from the beasts that guarded the valley entrance to the base. If Zephyr's silver hair had been covered by a hood they probably would have been ignored. Bennet shivered at the thought.

After dragging a pale Zephyr and a bloodied Jasper to the healers, the scout and several other rebels had gone to alert whomever it was that was important around this place. Bennet had spent too much time worrying about his friends the last few days to busy himself with getting to know anyone here. Frederick has been waiting with them for word about the two newcomers as well, but he seemed to have slipped off at some point during Bennet's pacing.

"Stop!" Saria's voice was sharp, echoing through the tunnel. Bennet stilled his tapping foot and slid down the wall to crouch on the floor. He let his head hang forward, hands clasped behind his neck. They sat that way, silent and waiting for several more unending minutes. Finally, a wooden door squeaked open. Bennet lifted his head to see Saria jump up and tackle a small figure in a tight hug. He flew to his feet and practically ran to embrace Zephyr himself. Both girls were crying in his arms, and Bennet's voice shook as he spoke.

"Is he okay?"

Zephyr pulled back to face them, her eyes gleaming.

"I don't know, they wouldn't let me see him. Something about being too dirty and needing to keep his wounds clean." She swiped at the tears on her face. Saria pulled her back into a softer embrace as Bennet stepped back and ran a hand over his face.

"What happened?" Saria asked, her voice more shallow than he'd yet heard. Zephyr shook her head.

"It was Kade. He pushed me over the ledge by the waterfall and Jasper jumped after me."

Saria cursed violently, calling their former travel companion by some choice names that Bennet wouldn't have even thought to use.

"Why did he push you?" Bennet asked softly, not wanting to press her too hard so soon after her ordeal. Zephyr stilled.

"He wanted me to go with him. Back to the queen. He said he could protect me from her, wanted me to turn myself in." Saria whirled.

"Why does the queen even want you? How could he protect you from her?" Saria's voice rose in anger, but Bennet just watched Zephyr. She looked to him, and understanding slammed through him when he saw the clarity in her eyes.

"Kade told me... he told me who I am."

It was Saria's turn to go still. "What are you talking about, Zephyr?" Bennet couldn't look away from those eyes, searching desperately for any hint of accusation. He found none, but she knew that he knew the truth, and guilt flooded over him.

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now