Chapter 3: Whut?

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WELCOME! IF THIS ABSOLUTLY SUCKS TELL ME!!! XD Okay, I killed off two of my irl friends in the first chapter (Unimportant info) Aiden and Sarah...Now I feel bad T~T But Aiden laughed and said it would happen sooner or later XD


~Your POV~

'Who is this dude?' I thought looking up at Trenderman. He laughed slightly but went silent afterwards.

"Y/n, before we go in...You mentioned the name Prism...But, how would you know that name?" He asked letting go of my hand and bent down to my level.

"I-I...I..." I had stuttered, shoot!

"Please, tell me! How do you know that name?!" He raised his voice a little. I jumped and yelped a bit, then squeeked out the answer.

"I-I can see ghosts sir!" I said terrified, "I dont k-know how but I can! She told me her name!!!" I really didnt want to get hurt right now...Or die...

"...If you ont mind, I would like to question you more on this later..." He said, then hugged me. I didn't know why, but I trusted him even though he brought me here. I hugged him back and once again felt the air shift behind me.

"Brother, why did you bring this child here..." Another voice said. I quickly hid behind Trenderman's legs as he stood up. I peeked out from behind him to see the one that killed the boys and the girls yesterday.

"She has a name...And its Y/n! You cant kill her she is too cute!" Trenderman said, "And your the one who said there needed to be younger creepypastas ever sense...The you know who incident..."

"Whut?" I said looking up at him. 'Why wont he say the name of the person they are talking about?! I WANNA KNOW TOO!!!' I screamed in my head, I looked around for Prism and saw her behind me looking up at the other dude.

"Pssst...Prism! Is there any way to get away from these two?" I whispered so only she could hear me. I looked more closley and saw she was crying again, doesnt this girl ever STOP crying?! But...They where happy tears, she wasn't sad, she was happy?

"No...Your roped in, I cant help you escape them...But you will like them! The Slendie brothers and the other people are great! You'll like them..." She said looking at the mansion, she smiled sadly as it started to rain.

"Come on Y/n, lets go inside and discuss this further!" Trendy said taking my hand and leading me inside.

~Slendies POV~

I already told him the girl could stay, but I think he didnt want to get further into her subject...I wouldnt blame him. I followed the two to the roofed portch and my brother opened the door and lead the young child inside. Before I stepped into the masion and closed the door I looked back to the forest. I swear I saw her, the rain hit her making her just ever so slightly visable. I shook it off thinking it was my imagination.

"So I really have no choice but to stay here now do I?" I heard Y/n say from the living room. I walked in and closed the door then going to the living room to see the news was on. They had found those children, and assumed that Y/n killed them.

"Fraid so child, but you will enjoy it here. Sally would love to have a friend to play with!" I said...It hurt to say it though. Sally used to have a friend, but all the creepypastas here know what happened...I do not want to explain to Y/n what happened. Yet...

"So, there are others here?" She asked. I nodded and tilted my head in question, she answered before I could ask, practically reading my mind "There is a video game console...Pictures, and theres a knife here that has the name Jeff carved into it...You two seem like you wouldnt play video games, those pictures definetly arent you, and im pretty sure your names arent Jeff..."

"You are quite correct child, we do not live alone. You will meet the others soon enough though." I said walking into the kitchen to get dinner ready, "Brother please show Y/n to her room."

~Your POV again~

I stood from where I was sitting and Trendy did the same.

"The others are currently out right now so we dont have to sneak around!" Trendy said leading me to what I assume to be the upstairs.

"Okay." I said simply and climbed up the stairs. I looked at all the doors, they where all painted diffrent colors...Pink, black, white with red spatters, navy blue, black and white striped, green, etc...I passed one that was a double door. One side of it was navy blue and white striped while the other side was completly crazy! It had polka dots, stripes, I swear there was a cow, anchors, a moon, shells, all in diffrent shades of blue: Pastel blue, tiffiny blue, navy blue, etc...

"Who stays there?" I asked tugging on Trenders hand. He looked at the door and shook his head.

"No one kiddo, nothing you need to worry about!"He said continuing down tha hall.

"Thats a lie! Someone did live there!!! YOU IDIOT TELL HER!!!" Prism yelled standing infront of the crazy door. She looked blitzed and sad at the same time, "I know you remember! Don't you dare act like you forgot!"

"What are you on about?" I asked turning around, "What and why is he acting like he's not remembering?"

"Y/n, come on! I wanna show you your room before the others get home!" Trendy said waiting for me to catch up. He noticed me looking back at the door and sighed.

I turned around to face him with a stern look on my face, "Who stayed in that room Trendy?" I said with a demanding voice.

"I suppose you would find out sooner or later, I hoped not this soon though. Ill tell you once you have seen your room, eaten, gotten a change of clothes, something better than a white dirt stained dress, and met everyone!" He said once again leading me to my room. I grumbled under my breath, they where hiding something and its blitzing me off...Prism is somehow involved and I need to know how!


Word count: 1103

Okay, if you guys freaking figured out what is happening already I'm going to be blitzed and amazed! Okay, see you next week! Bye dragonets!

Ps...(dunno why I'm saying this) But I posted this chapter at 12:50 so it counts as Friday!!! ALSO WORLD SAVERS ISH ON HOLD!

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