Chapter 9: There are other girls my age? (READ THE AUTHOR NOTE PLEASE!!!)

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Hey! How are you beautiful people? So...I loved all your suggestions! But my favorite one was Raven The Night Owl Death...But its kind of a long name, no? So I thought I would shorten it a little bit!

Name: Night Owl
Weapon: Knife and magic (later on)
I'm gonna put it in the next chapter!

This was suggested by RavenLovesEverything thank you!



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So...This shouldn't be hard right? RRRRiiiigggghhhhtttt....

1) I love to draw!

2) I have TWO middle names

3) I'm extremely shy and anti-social

4) I'm on a rock climbing team

5) I am 13 years old!

Okie! That wasn't so hard I guess!!! here are the people I tag!


And there we go! I'll shut up now so you people can read the chapter now!!!


~Your POV~

I sat on my bed thinking of what I should do. I knew that the people here killed for fun, what didn't know is that they had names! Like...WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME THIS?!?! Its like, why you no tell me this? I cp too, you fudging dumb butts...(A/n A ten year old should nawt swear, so I shall use my swears instead edit: okay screw yall, a ten year old shall not swear in MY story. Quit commenting how old you where when you did swear. I. Don't. Care.)

I stood from my bed and started to walk in circles with my arms behind my head, back in the orphanage this was a usual habit of mine for when I was deep in thought or just plain BORED! I continued to walk in a circle until a soft knock on the door. I cracked it open to see a girl maybe a few years younger than I was standing there with a dirty, ripped, bloody pink dress and a battered teddy bear. She had long brown hair and green eyes, but what caught me off guard the most was all the blood running down from her head.

"Uhm, hello?" I said opening the door all the way.

"Hi! I'm Sally! And I am nine years old! I heard there was a new person here so I wanted to meet them!" She said happily.

"Oh, uh I'm Y/n...I'm uh...I'm ten." I replied awkwardly.

"That is such a pretty name! Also I'm so happy that there's another girl around my age!" Sally said jumping up and down, "Other than the ghost that lives here..."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Charlie said there's a ghost living at the mansion...I hate it and I wish the stupid ghost would go away! They're stupid, useless, and just need to stop bothering people!" Sally said after she stopped jumping. What she said made me very upset, Prism is NOT stupid! But I just played along...

"Oh really?" I asked in a fake curious tone.

"Yeah! I can sometimes hear their footsteps and angry cries." She said, Prism never did any of that...She always floated three inches off the ground and was silent most of the time.

"Hey Sally, I just wanna let you know I can see ghosts, and the one living here just so happens to be my cousin! Or in other words Splendy's daughter! So if I catch you saying she's stupid I will tell Slender that you said that about his niece." I said then slammed the door in her face. I probably went maybe a small bit to far, but she really blitzed me off. I decided I actually had more to say to Sally, "Prism isn't stupid, she's super nice and is also helping me with this creepypasta stuff, she's not useless either! In fact Prism is rather helpful...When she isn't in a gloomy mood. Also she has only stayed around here because she wants to be around her father and friends!"

Sally stayed silent and just sat there for awhile, then left and disappeared into the pink door that was across from me. I sighed and closed my door and looked at the time, it was about 9:00 pm...It didn't seem that late though, maybe I just lost track of time walking in my circles, I wasn't tired either. Maybe I could go meet some more people after I spoke to Slender tomorrow, from what I knew quite a lot of people lived in this mansion, and some lived all around I believe.

I personally have no fudging clue and clearly know nothing about the creepypasta ways of life. That's why I need Prism, speaking of the dead girl...Where the HECK did she disappear to? (A/n disappear...Ghost...Prism ish a ghost...I'm sorry I'll stop XD)

I just decided to watch a little bit of tv. I picked up the remote that sat next to it and attempted to figure out how to turn it on, considering I was an orphan for most of my life I was surprised I knew what a tv or remote even was. We only had a radio back there and it didn't even work half of the time! It sucked! I eventually gave up and came up with a pretty smart idea.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!" I screamed, the smart idea was to scream, and the first person to come through that door is going to show me how the FUDGE to work this...Magic box. Yes, yes, I know its a tv but its like magic...I didn't hear anything for a few seconds, then Trendy teleported into the room.

"Y/n! What's wrong?! IS BEN BEING WEIRD?!" He yelled looking around franticly, I just simply kept staring at the black screen and held out the remote to him. I heard him sigh and take the remote from my hand, then the black screen turned on, "Which channel Y/n?"

"I don't know..." I said looking up at him, he patted my head and turned on a show with multi colored ponies on it.

"Your ten, you should like this...Hopefully! Also, be sure to not stay up to late, and press this button to turn it off." Trendy said pointing to a button on the controller. I nodded it and took it from his hands, "Also Splender is next door to you, so if you hear snoring it will most likely be either him, Toby, or Jeff. Feel free to go in and slap them, which ever one it is!"

I laughed and said goodbye to Trender and watched the show. Already hearing three certain people snoring...LOUDLY!


Word Count: 1,147

Alrighty! There's chapter nine every one! Sorry if you weren't super happy about the way Sally was...But I didn't know what else to do honestly >~<

Anywho see you guys next week!

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