Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 – Wishing him Good Luck.

I'm currently arguing with Indigo outside in the school's parking lot. He's leaning against his car and had yelled my name, quite loudly might I add, waving his arms as if directing a driver in backing up their car. Rolling my eyes, I had made my way over and looked at him questionably.

"Hey, get in."

"Didn't your mother ever warn you of stranger danger?" I remark, narrowing my eyes at him.

"You're my friend, dumbass." He mutters. "Anyways, get in. The Alp – I mean, Vulcan, wants to see you."

"Tell him to get over it. I'm tired and hungry so, peace out." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest.

He looks at me in mock awe. "I love it when you get all feisty but seriously, get in before I make him come down here himself."

I throw my head back and groan exaggeratedly, before rounding the car and hauling myself inside. Putting my seat belt on, I roll my eyes at Indigo when he grins at me before starting the car and driving out of the gates. 

The radio blares with a song I can't place a name to and Indigo's window is open, making my open hair fly about wildly. He glances over at me, a sheepish look on his face when he notices my hair before closing the window.

"Why does he want me to go to his house? He does know there are coffee shops and whatnot that people can meet up at, right? I don't want him to kill me where it's quiet and nobody can hear my screams." I ramble, slightly panicked.

"Why would he kill you?" Indigo's eyebrows knot in confusion as he looks at me from the corner of his eyes before looking back at the road.

"I may or may not have called him a fat-ass."

''You called him fat?'' Indigo laughs loudly, making me wiggle my finger mockingly. 

"Fat-ass, my dear friend." I settle back into my seat, nodding in confirmation. ''We had an argument. He wanted me to meet him during school hours to talk and I'm currently neck deep in trouble with the principal, one thing led to another, I called him a bunch of names and sent him on his merry way!''

Indigo's body shakes as he tries to stifle his laughter, making me grin at him cheekily. I hear him mutter something under his breath so low that I can't even hear it. Just as I'm about to ask him about what he said, the car jostles as we enter the woods, driving along on the dirt track before it stretches onto smooth tarmac.

I gaze up at the large houses that I had passed the last time I was here, I don't understand why there are so many people living under one roof but I don't have much time to think about that as we speed past the buildings and towards a familiar mansion near a lake that glints in the sun.

Butterflies form in my stomach at the thought of meeting him again but anger also rises within me. I had once again tried asking him about his eyes only to be shot down and distracted.

We drive onto the driveway and park beside the long walkway that leads up to the house. Sighing, I pout at Indigo to which he chuckles in reply and hops out of the car. Vulcan makes me so confused! I don't understand my feelings towards him. Tingles and sparks and all that crap only happens in books, not real life!

I straighten as I walk up the steps and inside the house, nearly halting at the sight of his delicious self on the couch, typing away on his laptop. He's wearing a navy-blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing the visible veins on his muscular arms. His legs are covered in black pants that are propped up on the coffee table.

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