Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 – Cinderella

Time has passed and it's now March. Spring is gracing us with the sun and I'm loving every second of it, always wanting to be outside. I had also caught up with Daniel before he had been transferred to a post elsewhere. Although I will miss him, I am relieved to see Vulcan go back to his normal self instead of the overly protective Alpha mate he turned into whenever Daniel was around.

I walk out of school and head to the car with a sigh escaping my lips at the sight before me. There are about eight bodyguards, checking our surroundings and ushering me in to head back home. Tonight, I will be getting ready for the party being thrown in celebration of Alpha Nicholas' newborn, Vulcan's best friend. I do not want to go.

One of the guards, named Brett, drives me back to Damon's house where I have been staying for a couple of days. I had finally convinced Vulcan to let me visit them because it had been so long. He, obviously, was not too keen of the idea and growled out a firm 'No,' about a million times before I blackmailed him into letting me leave.

The ride back to the house is short and quick and I find myself walking in to see Damon and his parents screaming at a baseball game on the television, whereas Sophia only rolls her eyes at their antics in humor. I chuckle as I make my way over to them but halt when Sophia notices me and jumps up from her seat.

''Aurora! I was beginning to worry you were going to be home late. We need to get ready.'' Sophia shouts as I throw my bag on the couch and fling myself onto it.

''Isn't there any way I can...stay at home?'' I mumble, successfully stealing a handful of popcorn from Damon's bowl who puts me in a headlock before ruffling my hair.

''Why? Everyone is invited, including you.''

''Every werewolf is invited; I am a human in case you forgot.'' I mutter, taking a sip of water.

''Rory, you are King Vulcan Romanov's mate; his Luna. This is the perfect time to make your first appearance!'' Damon exclaims, before fist pumping the air when his favorite team scores some points.

"Ugh, I would rather binge watch on Netflix and eat my weight in food than wear a fancy dress and go to a ball." I mutter grumpily, sinking further into the couch wishing it would swallow me whole. At least I'll have a legitimate reason to skip the event.

Sophia pulls me up from the couch and drags me upstairs with me whining behind her. Leading me into the room, she turns around to see my frozen form in the doorway. There, on my bed, is a large white box with a black, satin ribbon wrapped around it. Small and medium sized boxes sit beside it, wrapped in the same colored paper and ribbons.

''What is this?'' I breathe out softly, walking over and picking up one of the small boxes gently.

She smiles at me before walking up to my vanity and fixing her mask that she decides to put on. ''It's for you to wear at the party. We told Vulcan the color of your dress and today, these gifts arrived for you.''

I look back down to the small box in my hand, the others on the bed. Well, what do you know. The big bad Alpha actually went shopping for me, I think to myself, laughing out loud.

Sophia walks back, casting me a weird look when I chuckle at nothing. ''I'll leave you to get dressed before I come in and do your makeup and hair okay?''

I nod, smiling at her as she walks out and shuts the door behind her. Turning back to the boxes on the bed, I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach as I think about tonight. The reason I don't want to go is because it's going to be packed with werewolves that look as if they were carved to perfection and I'll stick out like a sore thumb, just a human.

The Hybridजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें