Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 – Lost

I open the door of Vulcan's bedroom and peek out from behind it, greeted by empty and quiet hallways. Stepping out of the room, I start making my way downstairs. My plans to explore were set in motion the minute Vulcan had left the room. I had heard a car start and drive off, guessing he was not in the house before jumping off the bed and now here I am.

"Hi!" Two voices suddenly chirp, making me scream in surprise and turn around.

"You scared me! Wait, who are you?" I frown in confusion, holding a hand to my chest.

A girl my height stands beside a blonde haired boy, her brown hair up in a messy bun. She looks exactly like Vulcan but with softer features. She has the same green eyes and a slender build, clad in leggings and an over-sized knit sweater. The boy stares at me with baby blue eyes, his features resembling Vulcan's sharp and angular ones. He stands before me in grey sweatpants with a white tee thrown on.

"We, are Vulcan's siblings." A feminine voice speaks behind me, making me turn. 

She is dressed in a white sundress, her feet in sandals and her blonde hair in a messy braid. Her sharp features and clear blue eyes make her look stunning. I look between the boy and the woman slowly. They look freakishly similar with their eyes and hair.

"Are you twins?" I breath in amazement, looking between them.

"Ugh! I'd hate to be Natasha's twin!" He mutters, shuddering in mock disgust as he looks at the blonde haired woman.

"Anyways! Let me introduce myself! I'm Nikolai and I like warm hugs!" He exclaims, walking towards me with his arms outstretched.

I squeal, opening my arms to hug him. "Olaf!" 

"You are such losers. 'Tangled' is so much better." The brown haired girl mutters, rolling her green eyes. Both Nikolai and I gasp, staring at her with wide eyes.

"You are not my sister anymore, Caia. 'Frozen' rules!" Nikolai states dramatically. 

Caia? They all have such amazing names! I laugh happily. Vulcan's siblings are so cool...unlike him. Natasha walks up to me and smiles, her hand on my shoulder as Nikolai and Caia shove each other, trying to hug me again.

"That's enough. Let Aurora breathe!" She laughs, pulling me away. "I'm Natasha, nice to finally meet you. What are you doing down here?"

"Nice to meet you guys. According to your brother, I'm in danger so I have to stay here." I smile sheepishly, watching Nikolai grin excitedly.

"Great! We're going to pick up some snacks for movie night, want to come?" He asks, making me shrug and nod. "There will be guards following us so, we're protected."

"Oh, can I drive?" Caia exclaims, taking the keys off her brother.

"You can come with but I'm driving." Nikolai smirks and snatches the keys from her, causing her to huff angrily.

"I shotgun sitting in the front!" I yell, laughing when Caia looks at me with wide eyes.

"No, I wanted to sit in the front." She whines, grumbling as she walks down the hallway.

Nikolai motions for me to come and we both catch up to Caia. He breaks off into a run and I follow, giving Natasha one last wave. Thank God she in't a moody sibling. Damon is still going through that with Sophia's brother! I think to myself as we catch up with Caia, walking down a staircase to the ground floor. She opens the door to reveal a large garage with cars of all shapes and sizes parked against the walls. My jaw drops in surprise and awe as I look at each and every one of them.

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