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Aurora Romanov's P.O.V.

May 25th at the Renascence Pack's Alpha House.

(Set a few years ahead. Misha and Mikhail are introduced in Book 3: Asher's Beloved).

Mikhail wails loudly in my ear which makes me wince as I try my best to soothe him to sleep. He thrashes wildly in my hold, kicking his arms and legs about as he refuses to settle down. However, the movement only makes him cry harder. Standing from the couch, a soft whimper escapes me as pain shoots through my stitches down there. I'm still recovering from giving birth last week and the pain meds can only help so much.

I had been furious with Vulcan when we found out that we were having twins again. But because they are my second set of twins, giving birth wasn't as daunting as the first time. However, I could do without the pain. At the end of a very long labor, I had given birth to both a healthy girl and boy. Vulcan and I have named them Misha and Mikhail.

"Please Mikhail..." I groan as I rub his back. "Please just go to sleep before I start crying with you."

Making my way over to the window with him in my arms, I sigh in relief when the view of outside calms him down. The sun is setting and casting warm hues of colors across the sky, making everything look magical. Ayla, Ivan and Valentina are being chased across the garden by Nikolai and Theo as they try and bring them inside for dinner.

Humming softly, I bounce Mikhail up and down slightly as I walk around by the large windows. Much to my relief he drifts off in a matter of minutes. I smile as I make my way through the hallways and down to the nursery. Vulcan and I have temporarily set up a room with two cribs on the ground floor as it hurts to take the stairs just yet. When I have healed fully, we'll be moving them to the actual nursery upstairs.

I walk into the room but freeze when I see a large wolf sleeping on the carpeted floor. Ruxin lays beside the crib that Misha sleeps in and a wide smile lifts my lips as I tiptoe inside. But as soon as I step around Ruxin he wakes up immediately. His body tenses as he looks around with alert eyes and his lips pull up into a threatening snarl. Blue and green eyes land on me before he relaxes, staring lovingly at Mikhail's little sleeping form in my arms.

"Is little one okay now?" His voice echoes in my mind and I nod in response.

"He's fine. It's the diaper rash that's making him a bit fussy." I reply as I place Mikhail into the crib.

Like Ayla and Ivan, Misha and Mikhail also like to be near each other. Especially when sleeping but I can't complain since it's the cutest thing to watch them cuddle each other.

Lowering the rail, I watch as Ruxin places his head on top of the mattress and stares at the newest additions to our family. Tiredly, I take a seat in the armchair before resting my legs on the ottoman. He walks over to me and it looks like he was going to rest his head on my thighs like usual before he decided against it. Sitting on his hind legs, he licks my hand and stares at me in concern.

"How is mate?"

"I'm still in some pain but it's not as bad as yesterday." I smile when he whines softly before nudging my arm with his nose. "I'll be okay Ruxin, don't worry so much."

"I wish I could take away your pain." He grumbles before using the arm rest to place his head on.

"You do." I laugh as I run my fingers through his dark fur and hear him purr softly. "Both you and Vladimir help me heal faster throughout the night. My pain isn't so bad because of you two."

"But you should have healed by now! It's not working!" He huffs and shakes his head in disagreement.

"It's only been a week, Ruxin. I won't heal that fast!" I chuckle as I watch him whine and push his nose into my hand.

We're quiet for a moment as we enjoy the silence, something that is so hard to get with five kids now. A smile lifts my lips as I watch him walk between the twins and I, almost as if he's guarding us.

"Mate is almost as strong as me." He breaks the silence with his statement.

"Almost?" I quirk a brow.

"Yes, almost. I'm stronger because I must protect mate and pups. I have to be strong so that mate doesn't have to worry." He stands taller and I find it amusing that he feels he needs to prove himself.

"Thank you, Ruxin." I giggle as he nods before licking my cheek.

I shake my head at him as I wipe my skin before noticing his eyes brighten to a familiar red. Nodding when he tells me that Vladimir wants to see me, I tell him to let the vampire out. He steps back and begins the process of changing and in a matter of seconds, Vladimir is smiling at me.

"Hi angel." He greets before leaning forward to press a kiss to my cheek. 

The full exclusive chapter is available on Inkitt! Read more about the Romanov family, Vulcan's beasts with an appearance from Kaden and Luna! Click the link in my bio or announcement post to read it now!

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I cannot post the full chapter on Wattpad as per Inkitt guidelines. Inkitt is running an incentive for authors to earn some extra money. I hope you all understand and if you don't want to/cannot download the app I understand completely! 

- R.W. ♡

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