Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 – War

Vulcan Romanov's P.O.V.

I surge forward with a loud roar, ripping the head clean off the vampire, who intercepts me in getting to Dragos, before thrusting my fist in his chest and tearing his heart out. A screeching wail of pain leaves him as he tumbles to the floor, his red eyes dimming before he crumbles into dust.

Feeling my blood lust heighten, I growl as another vampire hits into me with force, making me grip his neck and tear his fangs out as one of my warriors comes up behind him and rips his heart out from the back.

We move onward, his haunting scream now a low whisper behind us. I look around for Dragos, catching him battling with Indigo, his claws raking the skin of his arm making it ooze with bright red blood. Snarling, I use my ability to speed over and knock him off my Beta, landing forceful punches to his jaw and nose before flinging him meters away.

I grunt when a group of three vampires throw themselves at me, thinking they will overpower me but are sorely mistaken as within a few seconds, I have them dead on the floor, crumbling into a pile of black ashes that the wind takes away.

The war wages on with us fighting them off, ripping them from limb to limb, torturing them before yanking their hearts straight out of their bodies. The clearing is now filled with sounds of a battle, screams of vampires echoing in the air and the threatening growls of my warriors matching their volume.

I find Dragos again, who is playing a game of hide-and-seek, the bastard. I know he must've thought this would've been child's play but, as he watches his minions fall to the ground and disintegrate into nothing but a pile of ashes, the fear in his gleaming red eyes becomes prominent. He's scared, as he very well should be. My pack is a force to be reckoned with. There is a reason we have not lost any war and he's beginning to realize that, very quickly.

Regardless, he smirks wickedly when his gaze locks onto mine. A fire builds in them, matching my own before he starts to charge towards me. My beasts roar in anticipation, wanting to torture this man for threatening our mate.

He will not live to see another day.


Aurora Maxwell's P.O.V.

"Luna, please calm down and come sit. They shall be back very soon." Helena, the pack's head chef, calls out in a worried motherly tone, patting the seat beside her.

I shake my head, resuming my pacing in front of the door which has remained unopened for at least two hours now. What is taking them so long? Will he be alright? I wonder, fiddling with my mother's necklace that hangs around my neck. I had checked in with Vulcan during the first hour, the only thing holding me back from talking to him again is the fact that it can cause him to become distracted and end up hurt.

I'm constantly feeling emotions of anger, where Vulcan is getting hit and it's driving me insane. I want to rush out there and protect him but all I can do is wait, helplessly. Sighing heavily, I turn to Vanessa who seems equally tense, her wide brown eyes glazed over while she checks in with Indigo. I wait anxiously, wanting to hear what is going on out there. Minutes tick by before she finally takes a deep breath and turns towards me.

"Vulcan is fine, a few scratches but he's okay. The vampires had threatened to take you, either that or Alpha rules over their kingdom again. Vulcan got pissed and declared war." She explains, running her fingers through her messy brown hair.

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