Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 – Unwanted Advances

"You!" A high-pitched squeal cuts through the air. 

Turning, I come face to face with a group of girls. The one who had yelled is a pretty blonde who looks like a model but wears pieces of cloths that definitely can't be called items of clothing. Arching a brow, I cross my arms and wait for her to speak.

She marches right up to me to the point where her face is all up in mine. Jabbing my index finger on her forehead, I push her away with a huff. "Ever heard of personal space, buddy?"

"Ugh, she's so pathetic, Chloe." A redhead states, irking me as she chews her gum obnoxiously.

"You whore! Who do you think you are stealing my man away from me? I was supposed to become Luna!" She screams, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh boo hoo, go tell your sob story to someone who cares." I turn around only to be slammed up against the wall with the blonde gripping my neck. 

Yep, clearly another werewolf. She applies some pressure to the point where I can feel her fake nails digging into my skin, a nasty snarl appearing on her lips.

"You listen here filthy human, I am going to make your life miserable -"

"No, you know what?" I push her back, making her stumble at the unexpected action. I step up so that we're nose to nose. "You listen. The day you even try to take Vulcan from me is the day I drag you out of this pack by the roots of your nasty extensions. Where's your mate bond with him huh? Oh, wait, you don't have one because I'm his mate. And the only whore I see here is you, desperate to find a guy to spread your legs for because you already went through each and every one in this pack!"

I turn and start walking down the hallway with my fists clenched, my body trembling in anger. When I reach the end, I turn slightly to look back at Chloe who stands there gaping at me. "You better goddamn remember who you're speaking to next time. Regardless of being Vulcan's mate and Luna or a human, I don't take anybody's shit."

Turing, I get ready to storm my way out of the hallway when I notice Nikolai standing there with his phone, recording the whole conversation with a gleeful smirk on his lips. He taps on the screen and pockets his phone before striding towards me, swinging his arm over my shoulders and leading me away.

"I'm so sending that to Vulcan! You shut her right up!" He whoops, matching my grin.

"I do try." I reply mockingly, taking a bow.

"How about you try and beat me in this new video game I bought? Which you never will, may I just add." He boasts arrogantly about his skills.

"With how riled up I am right now; I'll wipe the floor with your ass." 


I'm walking through one of the hallways of the pack house when I hear them. Freezing on the spot, I remain quiet and eavesdrop. Bad manners I know, sue me. Peeking from behind the wall, I see that it's two women who look to be in their early twenties, dressed up in training gear.

''Aurora's a human but she's going to end up just like Eliza if Alpha ever loses his head.'' The blonde states, in a hushed voice.

''But, she's so different from that skank. I like her, she's funny and kind to everyone.'' The brunette argues, making me smile slightly.

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