Chapter 1

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Hayden Scott went into a panic as she searched for her student card. "Where is it?" she asked frantically. Her mother waited in the doorway, watching her scatter the contents of her bookshelf onto the wooden floor. "It must be somewhere, it can't just disappear," came her mother's voice. Hayden gave her blonde bombshell of a mother a rather sarcastic look. "Honey," her dad said as he walked towards her room, "I found this lying in the garage." He held the answer to her silent prayers in his hand. "My student card!" she exclaimed with relief. She grabbed it from his hand and wrapped her arms around him.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Her mother asked as they stood in her new dorm. "It's a bit late now," Hayden stated. When her mother threw her an irritated look she said, "Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry about me. This is, after all, my third year." They laid her suitcases neatly on her bed. Although she couldn't be more excited to be back, a part of her was already homesick. She hugged her parents and nonchalantly said, "I'll see you later. Love you." She hated goodbyes and her parents knew that. Her father hugged her once more before taking his wife's hand and walking her to the car. Hayden watched the pair as they left her room. A sense of admiration filled her while she thought of how the aging pair had stuck together all these years. Once they were gone, she immediately got to work on packing her clothes away. The cupboard was an adequate size. The room had a modest layout: a single bed with a beside table, a desk and a cupboard. Her roommate was yet to make an appearance. She took the time to check out the bathroom. It was modest but suitable. Just as she finished with her last bit of clothes, a pale blonde walked in. "Hi there," she said and held out a hand, "Emily's the name." Hayden took in her appearance: short, blonde curls rested on her narrow shoulders, small, blue eyes with high cheekbones, not too thin but healthy figure and lanky limbs. Hayden held out her tanned hand to shake Emily's, "Hayden Scott." The two hit it off immediately. "So what do you study?" Emily asked. "Psychology and you?" Emily smiled, revealing a set of straight teeth, "English and psychology." Hayden felt rather inferior at learning this. Emily was majoring in two subjects, whereas she had only one. Hayden's phone rang and Alex's face appeared on the screen.

"Which dorm are you in?" Came his husky voice.

"Hi, Alex. How are you?" Hayden said in a patronising tone.

"Text me the dorm's location." He ordered before hanging up.

Hayden did exactly that and it wasn't long before her handsome friend came marching through the doorway and threw his arms around her. She returned the welcome. "I missed you so much, monkey," he said. His muscular arms held on tight while his fingers ran through her long, dark hair. "I missed you too, Ally." He pulled away and scrunched his nose, "I hate that name." Hayden giggled, "That's why I love it." His blue eyes smiled at hers. "Your hair has grown," Hayden said, curling a strand around her slender finger. His brown hair was only a few shades lighter than her own. "Uh um." Hayden looked over to Emily who stood beside her bed. "Oh sorry, Em. Mind if I call you Em?" Emily smiled, "Not at all." Alex turned his tall, muscular frame towards Emily. "Alex this is Emily, my new roommate. Emily this is Alex, my best friend." They shook hands and exchanged small talk. "How long have you two known each other?" Emily asked. "Been buddies from day one of college," Alex replied. "So you're probably in my psychology class," Hayden pointed out. "Yeah, I guess so," came Emily's rather optimistic voice, "Apparently the lecturer is gorgeous." Alex shook his head upon hearing this, "Guy's a real perv if you ask me." His phone rang and he left the room to answer the call, leaving Hayden and Emily to gossip further. "Was that your dad?" Hayden asked Alex when he returned. "Yeah. I've got to go, I'll see you tonight." He hugged her tightly and was soon on his way to meet with his father.

"What was that all about?" asked Emily. Hayden started sorting her bedding, "His father is a bit of a control freak. Wants his golden child to be absolutely perfect. He's probably here to make sure Alex chose all the right courses, extra mural activities and so on." Emily frowned, "Poor guy." Hayden tied her long hair into a bun as she got to work on sorting her books into the shelf beside her desk. "You should come to dinner tonight. All the guys will be there." Emily questioned this offer internally. "What?" Hayden asked when she didn't reply. "Will it just be guys?" Emily bit her lip upon asking this. "There's a few girls," Hayden explained, "There's Cassy, Jake's girl. Oh and there's Melissa and Jessica. They're really nice, you'll love them." Emily started warming up to the idea of starting fresh. Repeating last year's drama was not a desirable option.

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