Chapter 10

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"Try the other one," Emily said. She sat on a white chair against the large store window. Hayden rolled her eyes and trudged back to the changing room. Emily seemed really picky. She didn't like the salmon V-neck dress, the white lace or the yellow cocktail dress. There were only two dresses left: a blue skintight gown and a red silk dress which went past the ankles. Hayden chose the latter. "You look gorgeous! That's the one," Emily beamed, "Go on, turn around." Hayden twirled for Emily before changing into her own clothes. She rather liked the design of the dress. "Let's go get something to eat," Emily suggested after they purchased the dress.

"Here you go," a friendly waiter said as he placed two plates filled with bacon and cheese sandwiches beside their drinks. "Thanks." Hayden's phone rang so she politely excused herself before making her way to the restroom which was thankfully empty.

"Hello?" Hayden said into the phone

"Hayden, why won't you return any of my calls?" Reed asked, perplexed.

"Look, Reed, I didn't want to have to do this over the phone but I don't think we should see each other anymore."

"Why not?"

"It's wrong. You could get fired and I could get expelled. I don't want you jeopardising your career. I'm sorry but it isn't like me to do this sort of thing."

"Hayden, don't do this. I won't accept this. I need you." His tone sounded desperate.

"No, Reed. You need to move on without me, please."

"No," he said.

"No?" she repeated.

"I don't want anyone else. Can we talk about this face to face?"

"No Reed, I'm done. This needs to end whether you want it to or not. I'm sorry, but I think this is what's best for both of us."

She hung up before he could say another word and walked back to the table, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.

Reed threw his phone against the wall, watching it shatter to pieces with the impact. She couldn't do this to him. Wouldn't do this to him. He paced back and forth, thinking of what to do next. He could wait for her to leave the cafeteria tonight where he would convince her that she was making a mistake. He nodded his head and mentally prepared a speech. Once he was satisfied, he made his way to his car and headed to the store to purchase a new phone. Reed waited that night for her in the cafeteria, but she never showed. He waited the night after that and the night after that, but nothing. He hadn't seen her in class either. She had vanished.

Alex sat on Hayden's bed, listening to her explain the joke, which he never caught, again. He laughed at her frustrated face. "What?" she asked. "You explaining that terrible joke is adorable," he grinned at her. Hayden rolled her eyes and moved closer to him before resting her head on his shoulder. "I got a dress last week," she mumbled. "Really? Let's see it," Alex said excitedly. "No, not now. I'm too tired to play dress up," Hayden said before yawning. "Okay monkey," he chuckled, "But you have to show me sometime." Hayden moved so that she was lying on the bed when Alex joined her. "You can see it when I wear it at the wedding," she said in between yawns. "You can't fall asleep now monkey, we have to go grab dinner," he told her. "Five more minutes," she begged. "Okay, five more minutes." Soon Alex was dragging a reluctant Hayden out of bed.

Reed sat at his usual table eyeing Hayden's group of friends. Where was she? He walked over to the counter and bought a large coffee before sitting down. Hayden walked in with Alex following. She looked tired and scruffy, and so did Alex. Reed clenched his fists beneath the table. Why was she with Alex? Was he the reason Hayden wanted to end their little charade? Alex placed an arm around Hayden's shoulders as they made their way to their friends. Reed's knuckles turned a pale colour as he squeezed his hands tighter. She was his, no one else's. She looked up at Reed for a moment and in that moment Reed's anger dissipated under her warm eyes. She looked away and hurt replaced the rage. In a fit, Reed stormed out and headed towards his vehicle outside.

"What was that about?" Jessica asked when Reed marched out of the cafeteria looking quite upset. "Who knows?" Sam shrugged. "I'm just going to go get some air," Hayden whispered to Alex who nodded. As she walked out, she was hoping Reed would still be there while another part of her was hoping he wasn't.

Sure enough, when she stepped outside, Reed was there, standing beside his car. He had his arms resting on the roof with his head against the window. Hayden stealthily approached him. His body tensed under her cold hand on his back. She wanted to hold him, to kiss him, to be with him but the guilt was too much. She stepped away from him before he turned around. His eyes were wild and he looked like he hadn't shaved for a few days. "Where have you been?" he asked in a whisper. "I've been busy," she responded. "Your friend Emily told me you were sick," he stated. "I was," Hayden lied. She told everyone that she had come down with something but it was an act. "Do you have any idea what you put me through? I was worried about you," his tone was harsh but Hayden knew he was concerned. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Reed wanted to reach out and hold onto her but he had to be careful. "Hayden-" he began. "I should get back inside. I'll see you around, Mr. Donovan," she failed at attempting a smile and turned on her heel to walk towards the cafeteria, leaving Reed alone in the empty parking lot.

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