Chapter 8

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The morning sky was grey and dull. It was Saturday so Hayden did her usual waking up, getting dressed and creeping out so that she wouldn't wake Emily up before she ran. She decided to take the same route she took one morning, she rather liked the look of the quiet street. She wore only a black sports bra under her black jacket with the Nike tick on the front. She thought of Alex and how she would have to find a dress to wear to the wedding. Her thoughts shifted to Reed. She picked up the pace, her feet hitting the wet road with force. She ran faster and faster. It started to drizzle. She thought of the day Reed took her out for coffee. The sight of him in the white shirt which complimented his manly figure made her feel things she wasn't proud of that day. She ran faster. The droplets grew until it was suddenly pouring down heavy. She untied her hair and continued to run until she reached the little complex of houses and decided to rest.

Reed caught a glimpse of someone outside when he threw the morning paper away. He walked over to the window to get a better view. It was unexpected and surprising to see Hayden sitting across the road in the rain. She was completely soaked.

"Hayden!" Hayden quickly looked up to see who on earth could be calling her. Reed stood in front of his door. He wore a sky blue shirt with beige pants. She stood up when he walked towards the end of the yard. "Come inside, it's dry," he said. "That's okay," Hayden called from across the road in the pouring rain, "I'll just run the rest of the way." He shook his head and walked over to her. His lengthening hair was completely soaked, the rain dripped down his face. Hayden could feel the rain dripping down her lips. "Hayden," he said when he was about an arm's length away, "you're crazy. I can't let you stand out here in this rain. Come inside where it's warm and dry." She gave in to his pleading and followed him inside.

"I've wet your floors," Hayden said, concerned. "Don't worry, Hayden," Reed chuckled. He took in the sight of her sopping wet hair and clothes. He too was dripping. "Let me get you a towel," he said, proceeding to the bathroom where he grabbed a white towel. "I didn't know you lived here," she called to him. He reemerged from the bathroom. "Well now you know," he smiled, walking towards her. He held out the towel for her to take. She took it from him. His eyes fell on her lips. Tiny water droplets dripped down them and past the dark beauty spot which lay just below them. They were pink and plump, and shivering. She dabbed her face with the towel and looked up to catch Reed staring down at her. "What?" she asked. "Nothing," he said and turned away from her. She reached out and placed a hand on his cheek which was turned away from her, turning his face to hers. "What is it?" she asked gently. A drop fell from his dark, lengthening hair onto his forehead and dripped down his nose to his lips. Her hand remained on his face, although she didn't know why.

Reed looked into Hayden's innocent eyes, her hand fell away from his face and he instantly missed the feeling of her cold fingers. He was scared of losing control seeing her like this. He just shook his head, "It's nothing, don't worry about it." She took her jacket off, wearing only a sports bra underneath, and walked towards the coat wrack to hang it up. Reed watched her toned body move as she walked. A deep line formed in the middle of her lower back. Her shoulder blades cast shadows on her tanned, damp skin. She caught him staring at her and made her way to stand in front of him. She took in the sight of his dark, brooding stare and wet clothes. She could see his upper body through the wet shirt. Hayden wanted to remove it. The thought didn't fill her with guilt but with lust rather. They just stood there, taking in the sight of the other. "What?" she asked. Reed's eyes travelled down from her eyes to her torso. She inhaled deeply. He took a step closer, she made no effort to move. He placed his warm hands on her waist and leaned down to kiss her. She ran her fingers through his dark, straight hair. The kiss deepened. He pushed her until her body hit the wall. She sighed with the impact. His lips travelled down to her neck while she gripped at his hair. He looked at her once more. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him towards her before their lips met. She brought her hands to his broad chest and ran her fingers over his torso. He watched her as she undid his buttons slowly at first, but then desperately picking up the pace. He enjoyed the craving desire in her eyes. She slid her cold hands over his chest as she removed the shirt. It fell to the floor. He ran his fingers through her wet hair as she kissed him longingly. Reed slid his hands down her neck, shoulders and back until they were on her waist where he then picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her off to his bedroom.

Hayden inhaled as her back hit the bed. Reed's lips travelled from her neck to her torso. He pinned her down, their hands intertwined before pulling her tights off and sliding his hands over her lean legs. Hayden dug her fingers into his back and pulled him closer to her.

Light eminated from the overcast sky. It was still raining. Hayden's eyes slowly opened when she woke up to see white sheets covering her bare skin. She turned to face a sleeping Reed who laid on his back with his head facing Hayden. He snored lightly. His hair was rustled and a growing stubble covered his face. She moved closer and placed her head on his slightly hairy chest which slowly rose and fell. Hayden placed her hand in the middle of his torso and slid her fingers over his warm skin. His arm wrapped around her back, which made Hayden consider their actions. They could get into a lot of trouble for what they had done. Reed placed a kiss on the top of her head. She looked up to see him watching her. "You're awake," she whispered. He turned so that they faced each other and ran his fingers through her hair, moving it away from her face. They stared into each other's eyes. Hayden stared at a beauty spot on his arm distractedly. "What's wrong?" he asked, placing a hand on her cheek. She remained silent. The ambivalent thoughts grew worse. She sat up and wrapped the covers around her, staring into nothingness. Reed sat up beside her and ran his fingers through her disheveled hair, "Hayden, speak to me." She just continued to stare into the abyss and said, "We are in so much trouble." Reed placed a hand over her cheek and turned her to face him, his thumb stroking her skin. "Don't worry, love," he said tentatively, "I won't let anything bad happen." He pulled her to him and held her. Reed knew they were playing a dangerous game but he would ensure that no one would come between them. She was his now and no one would touch her.

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