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Next day

I woke up and did my daily routine. I put on black jeans and a teal top. I slipped on my flats and put my hair up. I walked downstairs and saw Julian. I smiled and hugged him. "Somebody's in a good mood." Carter said. "Because its Friday and I'm to my first ever party tonight." I said and he chuckled. .

"Let's go peeps." Ryan said. We walked out and got in the car. Adrian drove off and Julian his arm around my waist. Ryan looked at me but didn't say anything. I hope he doesn't know.

We got to school and got out. I walked over to Quinn and greeted her. She smiled at me and we started talking about her date. From what she's saying Carter is really the romantic type. Honestly I'm so happy for her. "Sinead." Someone said. I turned around and saw Dylan.

"Hey." I smiled. "Hey, I was wondering if we we're still going out tomorrow." He said. "Yeah." I said. He said and nodded. "Okay, wear something nice and I'll be at your house at eight." He said. I nodded then we hugged.

He walked away and Harper came over. "Hey guys." She smiled. "Hey Harper." Quinn and I said. We decided to head to class. When we got there and sat down. "So I um, I like Ryan." Harper said. "Awe!" I squealed. "That's so cute." Quinn smiled. "Please don't tell him." She said. "My lips are sealed." I replied. "Mine are too." Quinn said. I can't believe she likes Ryan.

That means Adrian is gonna be the only one with out a girl. "What's going on with you and Julian?" Quinn asked. "If I tell y'all, you guys have to promise on our friendship not tell anyone." I said. They nodded and we shook hands. "We're dating." I said and they squealed. "He said we're going to keep it a secret because he doesn't want rumors nor people trying to break us up and because of Carter." I said. "Awe!" They smiled. 

"Oh the boyfriend stealer and her ugly sidekicks are here." Brittany said. Just great. Its like she doesn't have a life. Why does she hate me? "You must be in love with us because you can't seem to leave us alone." Harper said. "Shut up cotton candy head." She said. "Omg you look like you live at the plastic surgeon's office." Quinn said.

"Don't even start with me because I got so much dirt on you." She said. "Brittany leave." I said. "Oh I've got dirt on you too." She smirked. "I don't care." I said. "You should." She said then sat down. "How can she have dirt on you if you just moved here?" Harper asked. "I don't know, maybe she googled me, but I have nothing to hide." I said. "She's a creep." Quinn said. "I hate her." I Sighed and the girls agreed.


Its lunch time and the girls and I go get food. I got pizza and a cookie. We walk over to the table and Quinn pops a squat next to Carter. I smiled at them and sat next to Julian. He smiled at me then wrapped his arm around my waist. Ryan walked over and sat next to me and we started eating. "So y'all are meeting up at my house tonight?" Carter asked. "Yeah." We said.

I was about to say something when Leena walked over. "Hey Julian, um I just wanted to know if you were picking me up tonight." She said. "Meet us at Carter's house." He said. She nodded then walked away. "When are you gonna make it official with her bro?" Ryan asked. "I'm not, she's just a friend." He said. "But you hooked up with her right?" Carter asked. "It was just a fling nothing more nothing less." He said. I shook my head and continued eating.

I took a piece of my cookie and ate it. "Can I get a piece?" Julian asked. "No." I said. "She's really stingy." Carter replied and I nodded. Julian rolled his eyes and I chuckled. I looked over at Harper who was just gazing at Ryan. Quinn noticed it and chuckled. "Harper." I said and she snapped her head towards me. "Yes?" She asked. "You okay hun?" Quinn replied. "Yeah." She said. "Oh okay." She said. I laughed and finished my food.


The final bell rang and I collected my things. I walked into the parking lot and saw everyone at the car. I walked over and smiled. I got in and so did everyone else. "Sinead what is your costume?" Carter asked. "You'll see." I said. "I swear if its anything racy you're not going to the party, I'll make Julian stay with you." He said.

"Why you gotta drag me in this?" Julian asked. "Because you don't have a life." He said. "Yes I do." He said. "No you don't, you're a little ugly dude." He said. "I took your girl though." He replied. "Ooo." Ryan and I said. "In eighth grade, boy I glowed up." He said and I laughed. "I can't tell." Julian mumbled. "What you say?" Carter asked. "Nothing." Julian said. "That's what I thought." He replied and I laughed. "Carter you are truly something else." I chuckled. "I'm one of a kind." He said.

We pulled up at my house and Carter and I got out. "See y'all tonight." I said. Then walked inside. I walked upstairs and into my room. I slipped off my shoes and climbed in bed. I can't wait til tonight.


Hey peeps! Happy Sunday. Here's another nonscheduled update. I'm just in a good mood. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

I'm so glad you guys answered my questions in the previous chapter. Here's so more questions for ya.

What dirt do you think Brittany has on Quinn and Sinead?

Do you think Harper is gonna get with Ryan?

Do you have any shipnames? (For any couple or people you'd like to get together)

Suggested song: Unfold by Alina Baraz

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