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I was enjoy my sanity when someone knocked on the door. I paused not today by bts and told whoever it was to come in. Julian walked in and I smiled at him. "Hey." I said. "Hey." He replied then sat down on my desk chair. "I loved your message." I said sitting up and he smiled. "We need to talk." He said. "About what?" I asked.

"Well, you remember when the guys and I went to that football game a couple weeks ago?" He asked. "Um yeah, why?" I replied. "Well, I met this girl named Katie, and we started talking and.." He paused and took a glance at my face. I was slowly getting angry but I kept my calm facial expressions. "And what?" I asked. "We started talking and she is um coming here in two weeks." He said.

"To meet up with you again?" I asked. "Uh yeah, but she wants me to be her and we're going to same college so..." He dragged on the 'o' and I immediately got angry. I hopped up and slapped him. "Really Julian you're breaking up with me!" I yelled. "Sinead calm down." He said. "I'm carrying your child!" I snapped. "You're killing it though." He said.

"No! I changed my mind and I was gonna keep it!" I snapped. "Well, I'm sorry we can co-parent." He said. I threw my phone at his head. "I stayed with you, when everyone told me to leave you, dump you, I love you!" I snapped. "I love you too but Katie is my age and we're gonna be around each other more." He said.  "Really Julian?" I asked as the tears began flowing down my cheek.

He sighed and stood up. He tried to wrap his arms around me but I pushed him and he hit the door as I fell on the floor. He groaned and I quickly got up. I can't believe this. "Sinead, it was a prank." He groaned. "No, leave." I said. He grabbed me and kissed me. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't budge. I gave in and kissed him back. We pulled away and I sat on my bed. "You have to buy me a new phone." I said. "Okay, are you really gonna keep it?" He asked. "Yes." I replied.

He smiled and kissed my neck. "Is Katie an actual person?" I asked. "Yes and she just my college buddy, my heart belongs to you." He said. "So no more talking to other girls, no more cheating?" I asked. "None, I promise." He said. "If you break that I'm leaving you and going to Jesse." I said. "Okay." He said then kissed me. Luna walked in and looked at us. "Are y'all okay, I heard a huge thud while I was pooping." She said then Julian and bursted into laughter.

"We're fine." I said. "Oh okay, I don't want you hurting that baby." She said. "What baby?" Carter asked. I forgot I didn't tell him. "I'm pregnant." I said. He gasped and grabbed his chest. "Who's the baby daddy?" He asked. "Hmm, I don't know." I said and he gaped. "Sinead I am very disappointed." He said. "Its me slowness." Julian groaned. "Ohh, y'all made whoppy." He said and I chuckled. "Yes, now go back to Savannah." I said. "Fine." He said then walked out.

"Well I'm going to take a nap."  Luna said then left. "Looks like its just us two." Julian said. "You're not getting any love until I get a new phone and teriyaki chicken and fried rice with whipped cream and syrup on top." I said. He gave a weird look. "That's what your embryo wants." I said and he shook his head. "I'll be back." He said then grabbed my broken phone and left.

Two hours later Julian returned with my fixed phone and my food. I'm so spoiled. "Thank you baby." I smiled grabbing my food. He sat down and I started eating. "Wanna watch degrassi?" I asked. He shrugged and I put it on. "I love you Julian." I said. "I love you too Sinead." He replied. I smiled then continued eating.


I woke up and Julian was gone. I hate falling asleep when he's here because when wake up he's gone. I climbed out of bed and walked downstairs. "Sinead, are you ready for dinner?" Rena asked and I nodded. I sat down in the only seat that was available which was the seat next to Savannah. Just my luck. Rena put the food on the table and we started digging in. "So, Savannah how are your parents?" Rena asked. "They're good, they're happy I'm back with Carter." She said then looked at him.

Ugh, she's a boyfriend stealer. Ew, I sound like Brittany. "Have you made any friends since you've been back?" She asked. "Yeah, with these girls named Brittany, Ashley, Trisha, and Leena." She said. Leena is a traitor. I should've known. "Sinead, aren't you friends with Leena?" My dad asked. "Not anymore. " I mumbled.

Savannah elbowed my stomach really hard with her sharp elbow and I immediately felt a sharp pain. I screamed and clutched my belly. "Sinead." My dad said running by my side. "The bitch elbowed me in my stomach!" I yelled. "I didn't mean to." Savannah said with a sad look on her face. "I will cut you!" I yelled then felt a sharp pain again.

I screamed and started crying. "We're taking her to the hospital now." My dad snapped. He picked me up bridal style and Rena grabbed the keys. He put me in the car then we left. It hurts so bad, please don't let anything bad happen.


Hey! Please don't hate me for this chapter!!! But she's keeping the baby guys! Honestly this is one of my favorite chapters....

In other news (yes, I always have other news) I am short of best friend right now and even though I'm happy the negativity is out of my life, I need a new best friend or I want my old one back (but I'm so upset with her) may sound dumb but she's been there for me through the hardest times.....

[no questions for this chapter :((]

Suggested song: I, U, Us by RAYE

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