Part Ten

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Chapter Ten

Lego Batman. Oscar rolled his eyes as he led Nate out of the cinema. The youngster was skipping along beside him re-enacting some of the superhero scenes with enthusiasm.

"You enjoyed that hey, Munchkin?"

He nodded rather dramatically, "yes! He's the coool-est." He gave the last word about nine syllables.

It made Oscar smile. He wasn't naïve enough to think that this was as difficult as parenting came, but he was enjoying every moment he was spending with Nate.

"Shall we get some food to take home to Aunty Lizzie? You reckon she's out of bed by now?"

Again he nodded.

They stopped at a little deli on the way home and picked up meatballs, pasta, salad and some chicken strips at Nate's request, and a cheesecake. It was more than enough for a quick meal, without the hassle of too much cooking, or the guilt of a greasy takeaway. And the smell in the car was amazing as they drove across the city back to Lizzie's home.

The door opened within seconds of Nate knocking it. As it opened Nate flew at her and wrapped her arms around her waist, "it was brilllliant!" Another nine syllable word uttered into her thigh made him laugh. Nate ran past her into the house, and he smiled at Lizzie.

She was wearing her glasses again, and loose cotton trousers and a loose t-shirt that fell off one shoulder, her hair was damp hanging around her shoulders. As she smiled back, she reached her hands up to secure her hair in a loose top knot.

"Thanks for the breather; I needed a nap and a shower. I feel a million times better."

He laughed, "have to say you've got a bit better colour!" He lifted his hands, "and we bring food."

Her moan was almost sinful, and his body surged as her eyes closed in pleasure, "all I want is some stodgy food."

Oscar gave himself a shake, "not sure that your local deli does stodge, but I have meatballs, spaghetti, salad..."

Her eyes lit up, "well then come on in and I'll find you a beer!"

Half an hour later they sat at the dining table and Oscar could do nothing but watch as she expertly and rather enthusiastically wolfed down the strings of pasta and sauce.

"It's good," she murmured when she spotted his eyes on her.

He chuckled, "so it seems."

That made her roll her eyes, "so I'm hungry. Shoot me!"

She reminded him a lot of Freya; she was uncaring of how she looked or what she did. He could barely remember when he'd last seen Krystal eat so openly, and she'd never set foot outside the bedroom without full makeup and designer clothing. But here was Lizzie, splashing tomato sauce on to her chin uncaring. And every time she closed her lips around the fork full of food she let out a little moan, and it was driving him crazy.

Consequentially she finished way before him and she turned to Nate, "it's almost bed time. I think it's time for you to get your pj's on. If you're good I'll let you watch a movie before bed."

He nodded excitedly and before Oscar had finished his food, he was lying on the sofa under a bright blue throw, eyes glued to the TV where Toy Story played out. Lizzie cleared the table, as he finished the last mouthful of food.

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