Part Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two

"Can you believe this woman never cooked before she came here three years ago?" Coop sat back in his chair and settled his cutlery on his empty plate.

Freya swatted at him, "A - I could cook, I just never wanted to, and B - if I hadn't improved my skills we'd have all starved!"

Coop paused held up his hand in surrender, "I have not got a creative bone in my body darling. You know that."

She puffed at him, "creative? The fridge was full of microwave meals, pizza and beer when I moved in."

Oscar laughed at the banter then leaned between the two, "can I just say two things? Firstly you were never really meant to move in..."

Coop whooped and gave a loud high five with his friend, before Oscar added, "and also, this man lived on protein shakes until then...the frozen and fast food were mine."

Coop nodded as both sets of eyes turned to Freya, but despite her being the timid woman that Oscar had described her as in the past, Lizzie was amazed to see her ruffle her feathers and lean over the table, squaring up to the two men, "don't even BEGIN to gang up on me, you two. Let me remind you that you both kept Nate a secret - which led to the mess that you found yourself in brother dearest. Don't hold me to ransom, and you Mitchell KNOW what you are about to lose..."

Coop's expression dropped from cocky to desperate in a second, and Lizzie loved how devoted the big man was to his tiny, feisty wife. Would she ever feel that in control, that loved? She wasn't sure, but she still laughed at the interactions between the friends around the table.

"Now Frey, let's not be rash..."

Oscar wrapped his forearms around his head, "this is way too difficult to see. She's my bloody sister Coop! Can you guys discuss things when you're alone?"

Freya chuckled, "hear that stud? You might think he's an ally, but he doesn't want to hear the intimate details...sounds like you're on your own when it comes to ribbing me."

It was all in good humour and when they finished the meal together, the three little cousins settled in front of the TV watching a movie. It was approaching bed time and they'd agreed to stay the night with the Coopers, rather than take the guest flat over the garage.

The men supervised the kids, whilst opening another beer, that left the women in the kitchen with the dishes...and a delicious looking cake that had Lizzie salivating.

"You look great he treating you well?"

Lizzie took a deep breath before she turned to Freya, "should I be worried?"

Freya's face crinkled with concern, "what do you mean?"

Lizzie took another deep breath, "you and Coop seem convinced that he's going to hurt me."

Freya's jaw dropped, "really? You think we're trying to put you off? Shit. Sorry, Lizzie, you are mistaking us laughing at him, as us thinking that this is temporary?"

When Lizzie didn't answer, Freya rushed over to her and hugged her, "Lizzie, he is a DIFFERENT man, and the amount of shit he gave me and Mitchell Cooper when we started things...well, let's just say he deserves this, but don't feed off it please."

Lizzie smiled, she wanted to believe that this was all teasing, but she also knew that he had been a player, that he had dated women who were so was her biggest insecurity. But she wasn't about to let that spoil the day, he had laid his heart out, on a platter...for her. She had to start believing in all that he promised her.

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